The Number 1 Reason Women Stop Trusting Their Men....
Feb 08, 2019
The Number 1 Reason Women Stop Trusting Their Men.....
You are not high maintenance.
You are not controlling.
You are not too emotional.
You are not too much.
You are not jealous.
You are not anything they say you are.
They are just not your men. #period
One could say you outgrew them rapidly.
One could say you were there and then shifted and they didn't shift with you.
One could say, you have been afraid of stepping into who you say you are really meant to be and the reality is that - that version of you? They are not your type anymore are they?! Nope!
And you will never be satisfied because this internal longing for YOU to become who YOU are - will always be there... until you do.
And then ultimate fulfilment and deep alignment to your Soul's Purpose is born - yes?
But until then, do you know what happens?
You stop trusting - them - out there - anyone! And especially the one closest to you - which is only an external projection of - you guessed it!
They say the most powerful teachings are born of wisdom. Wisdom is born of experiences. And goodness have I had my fair share of experiences!
The Number 1 Reason Women Stop Trusting Their Men?
There are several contributing factors.... and there are many different circumstances and experiences yes... yet, that main - Number 1 Reason?
Is that somewhere along the way... they stopped trusting themselves.
YES. You stopped trusting YOUrself!
'No, but seriously - they are doing this or that, or I just have this urge to check his phone.'
Or every time he gets a message you wonder who it is from...
Or every time his words don't match his actions...
Or every time he says something and you deeply feel something other than what he is saying...
Yes, you are highly sensitive...
Yes, you are a intuitive...
Yes, you are WOMAN...
Yes, you MAY be right...
And you MAY not be right...
The truth of the situation doesn't ultimately matter...
Yep - the situation about HIM, or the ISSUE.... or the THING... DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER...
So, remove yourself from that space now, like remove your mind from thinking that sort of shit....
Because what ultimately matters?
The main reason you even start feeling this way in the first place?
Having crazy ass thoughts that may not even be true?
Is because honey... you DID notice the signs in the first place... you may have got warning bells, or red flags....
Or something just felt a teeny tiny bit 'off'.... even in the tiniest, tiniest thing.. especially in the very start - you know, when things overall are really good yeah? It can be hard to trust those tiny bits of 'something feels slightly off', because overall, it is GREAT...
And this?
This, noticing those tiny bits of intuition, but not taking action?
This is where you stopped trusting your intuition over your 'out there' experiences...
Because we can rationalise until the cows come home... and change our mindset and open our mind to possibilities, giving birth to new experiences and CREATING the reality you want - THIS is a GREAT quality and trait to hold!
Yet, when what you FEEL in your heart and you start rationalising in your mind until it overtakes/changes the FEELING that you have?
THAT is where you stopped trusting your intuition. THAT is where you are truly starting to ignore the signs, that are increasingly getting louder...
If you are resonating with this... honey, don't beat yourself up...
Don't think you are wrong, or made mis-takes, or that there is something wrong with you...
The only thing 'wrong' about the entire situation... is that YOU stopped trusting YOU...
You stopped trusting that inner voice, that inner nudge...
That when something felt that teeny tiny bit off, you decided to see what is 'out there' and 'out there' looked and felt pretty good...
And you opened your mind...
And you pursued...
And both stepped up....
And then, those teeny tiny things that felt a teeny tiny bit off... gradually got a little bit bigger and bigger...
And there were more signs... but then the signs changed... confusing yes....
But overall?
The Number 1 Reason Women Stop Trusting Their Men?
Is because something was a teeny tiny bit off in the start and THIS is your Internal Radar, THIS is your Internal Compass that is steering the direction of your entire life. And if something is a teeny tiny bit off in the start - no matter how fucking amazing it looks on the outside, if those teeny tiny bits of internal radar are ignored, and pursued, those bleeping lights on your Internal Compass, on your Internal Radar... will eventually go off the map (the image is coming to mind of what the armed forces have of the bleeping radar - you've gone off your radar, you've gone off course, disappeared - no wonder you don't remember who you are anymore).... Click here to grab your Free Internal Compass Meditation (in the Essentials Pack):
And you will feel internally shit most of the time...
Brave faces are ensured, masks are put on... roles are played... but internally the light has become dim... and frail... and distrusting...and this darkness sits in the space... and this... is projected...
How do you find your Internal Compass again and get back on the radar? Get back on course? You can download your FREE Internal Compass Chakra Clearing Meditation to get you recalibrating back to YOUR direction again.
So you can start building your TRUST MUSCLES... with YOUrself again...
So you can strengthen them...
So you can turn on that inner light and never let it go off the radar ever again...
So you can take action on those teeny tiny bits of 'off path' feelings... that 'something is slightly off' - you won't ever question, nor doubt that EVER again... no matter how tempting it looks on the outside... because ultimately?
Life Lessons and Karma CAN be worked through - with JOY, not hell...
Life Lessons and GROWTH, CAN be worked through FAST and with EASE AND JOY...
Because when you are conscious of yourself and can FEEL when something is slightly off and take action on that - THESE are your guideposts...
To staying on track...
To staying on path...
To FAST TRACKING you to your dreams...
Not tip toeing around...
Not dredging through sludge and so much darkness you don't want to be on the planet anymore...
Because those teeny tiny 'something is off' even when you don't quite know what it is and everything looks great on the outside - are keeping you on track...
Are you noticing them?
Are you listening?
Are you taking action on them?
Or are you staying blind?
Because the hardest part about trusting your intuition - and trusting yourself and your own life path, is that MOST of the time.... we are given intuition and we don't know why we are given certain bits of information.... and sometimes we don't want to believe it... and so we don't... and eventually go off the radar...
What teeny tiny things are feeling 'slightly off' to you beautiful Soul? Are you listening to them? Yes, shit can be worked through... but that takes two willing people to face the deep dark demons within - together... and if the togetherness stops evolving... those teeny tiny things get bigger and louder... They are there for a reason.... listening?
Ready to trust yourself and stop making it about them honey?
This is about YOU babe...
Time to recalibrate back to YOU.
Where do you need to trust yourself again?
This isn't about beating yourself up... or regretting not leaving sooner...
This is just you, super clear right now that you know in your Heart and Soul what the truth is and it is time to face those fears and know that there are 8 billion people in the world and that there IS someone out there for YOU.
It's just not him.
Maybe it was.
But now it isn't.
So go, and bawl your eyes out, get support and reclaim the you, you've lost along the way of trying to fit into a life that was never...
Made for YOU 👑
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. If you really want to trust yourself on a deep, deep Soul level and not question it one moment more, Trust Your Intuition is where it is at: