The only true love you will ever experience

ancient blooded healer life purpose accelerator May 27, 2022

The only true love you will ever experience is the one you have between you and God (or insert Universe, Spirit, Source, Allah - whatever label you choose to use).

In my darkest hours, when no one has been there for me, when all have walked away, betrayed me and left me to my own devices when I needed them most… Allah has been there - even when it hasn’t felt like it - it has been an unseen strength that I have called on, felt in my Heart and been a solid rock 🪨 that has allowed me to lean into, on and continue on, when no one else has been there. 

When people call me names, when they give ultimatums, when they laugh in my face at my truth, I cry and let my heart break at the tears that it drops me into because I know there is only one way to walk and that is closer to my truth than ever before. 

Because that is the only way.

That… solidified my truth even more. 

It is a power that most envy. 

It is a feeling.

It is an innate connection.

And that scares most and they can’t quite place their finger on what it is. They try and replicate it. But they can’t. But they can try. 

It’s called the Ancient Blooded Healer lineage and it’s one of a kind 🩸 

These people are the catalyst for me to love myself more.

These people show me how close I am to my truth, that I live it and anyone who tells me otherwise, only pulls me closer to God, to the rock solid love that has always been there and expands my Heart the more I surrender and move closer to this, in every single breath, in every single choice. 

This brings such a sense of stability to my life. 

It brings such a grounded truth to my life. 

These people show me how much I have stepped into a life I love. 

After all the pain, after all the lessons, after all the tears, after all the trauma. 

Allah led me to this safe place. 

When I set off in February 2020 on a road trip with my daughter, our (at the time) 2 dogs, 2 cats and a parrot, what we were really doing, were looking for our Home. We were wondering where we were meant to be, meant to live.

And we’ve found ourselves here, in these wide open, green rolling expansive hills, with the Golden Sunsets - Archangel Chamuel showing me the Life Purpose Queen’s Home. 

My physical surroundings are a reflection of my wide open expansive Heart, that it has been God that has cracked me open, Allah who has stood the test of time, the Universe showing me it’s divine presence of the zillions of stars I can see out here, Source in everything I touch, see, breathe and Spirit in the essence of even the air molecules that I walk through, that I feel held, loved, supported and stable more than ever before.

I think I’ll stay here a while. 

Whatever you look for, is always there, right in front of you.

Even when you’re alone, you’re not… because It’s Essence is everywhere.


Feel it. 

Soak in it.

Revel in it.

Love it. 

Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

P.S. You know you are different. 

You know you’re one of a kind.

You know you’ve travelled the darkest of paths that some never experience in any lifetime. 

You hold some of the deepest space for those on the planet but this may be to your detriment.

Until now. 

You’ve started to realise your worth.

You’ve started to come into your own.

You feel secure on your own.

And you’re ready for more. 

More of the Light, more of the Dark because you know it all exists and none of it has weight except for what you give it.

You’ve come into a place where you’ve landed on your own.

You’re ready to rise and shine and hone your gift, your skills and find out what God really has in store for you, because you feel it and you’ve surrendered to knowing this is your path and nothing satisfies you more than following those wild horses than run free in your heart. 

Nothing satisfies other than this… and this is what you give your all for. 

Life Purpose Accelerator closes soon, click here for all the details or send me a message to speak about your place in this sacred vortex that rises you to your core: