Oct 18, 2023
I have written before about how much credit I give to myself for being on my own rather than pursuing or staying in wrong relationships for the last few years.
Sure, I had my business and mumma life to my daughter to keep me busy, sure I dove into my work years ago to purposely keep me busy away from the pain of being alone but at the same time... I didn't.
If you have followed me for years.. you've seen me talk of and be in and release myself from unhealthy relationships.
It takes two to tango. This is not blame.
I was just as unhealthy and toxic and let's call it for what it was - immature in relationship.
There is mature healthy relationships and then there is immature unhealthy relationships.
And it is all learning and growth.
I believe that any unhealthy relationship can grow healthy together however BOTH sides must do the work for that to occur. They have to WANT to. People are in the wrong relationships and simply don't WANT to be in it, so they DON'T do the work and so it stays in a shit cycle. ðĪŪ Then they get sick, depressed and fuck knows what else and blame all these things when they are simply not listening to their intuition to fucking LEAVE. They are too scared to be alone. The faster they do, the healthier they become. On all levels.
I had to have lots of space from my relationships and it was truly the best thing for me this last few years. I have healed sooo much. Without this space from relationships, I definitely would not have been able to heal what I have.
Yes, relationships make us look at our wounds and shadows - but time on your own also does this - in a different way - at different woundings and traumas - that you can't heal when IN relationship. I do believe it gets to a point on your own that 'you can't do anymore healing on your own' - meaning, a relationship reflection takes the healing and growth to the next level.
But I don't believe you can heal and become healthy in a toxic relationship! Especially when the other side isn't wiling to do the work too. Doesn't work. Leave instead.
When stepping out of toxic, co-dependent, unbalanced masculine and feminine roles, it IS DEFINITELY REQUIRED to have much time alone between relationships to heal deep core wounds that created these patternings in the first place.
Everyone has 'stuff/trauma/baggage' 100%.
However, when you are fresh out of toxic relationships, expecting to attract a completely healthy relationship to 'heal the toxic patterning', well I say good luck with that. Maybe it is possible, however walking the last fifteen years that I have from domestic violence, to unhealthy co-dependent relationships, to 'almost there', to 'spiritual but not conscious' relationships..... I never settled even though I entered and entertained it slightly to 'try' it until it became acutely apparent to me I was waiting for a completely conscious relationship or I was going to learn to be happy being single on my own for the rest of my life. After everything I have been through in my life - that was the bar. Conscious healthy or none at all and that I am happy (with all my animals ðĪŠ).
Besides, I am just over here, building my little empire anyway, living my life and choosing to be happy where I am living - because it has been a huge lifestyle overhaul and change living in the country 'unexpectedly' compared to beach life and I know deep down, I am where I am meant to be right now. The country/hinterland adjustment has been MASSIVE - you would've seen it if you have been following me for years... I've changed, the dog attack changed me and I have had to be here to heal and face the deep dark wounding that relationships and city life was burying from my conscious awareness.
I struggled and was a HUGE challenge living in the country - it is STILL hard at times. But I have FORCED myself to find happiness here - because, as the wise Louise Hay once said (and I am sure many other wise teachers have said) - "If you are not happy where you are living, moving isn't the solution, you will just be unhappy in your next home." With Louise's words echoing in my mind this last 2 years and after being blocked and blocked and BLOCKED some more trying to move house, I gave up.... and vowed to find happiness where I am and the last 12 months I have found this here. There has definitely been hard moments for sure, driving constantly with a teenager and all the pieces of living out of civilisation - not many could do it. The 'forcing' myself to find happiness here... 'forced' myself to look deep within, the deep dark well within, that not many look to deep enough and shift out what was keeping me from finding peace, happiness and solace with the person right in front of me - ME. As my ex once said to me, 'If your family doesn't like you, maybe there something really is wrong with you." ðģð #ouch.
As much as comments like these broke my Soul... they forced me to look deep within... sooo deep and being out here in the Mists of Avalon, transforming darkness to light through the dog attack... something has changed within me.
Fuck. Who wouldn't be changed from all this.
3 years out here in isolation from adjusting and separating from civilisation to my intuition being sooo acutely attuned to the land and these Earth energies, let alone the UFO encounter I have had out here in December 2022, for hardly leaving the land and facing the darkest shadows I didn't even know existed within my Soul... I have definitely been training for something and I know this next stage of my Life Purpose that is about to kick off in the hugest way to date, is 'why'.
But as you'd have it... my Soul always knows what I need for my highest growth, for my soul's evolution, for my Life Purpose, for being willing to do whatever it takes... I have and continue to follow that whisper that my soul has led me on, every step of the way, for many, many years.
It made me face parts of myself that relationships were covering up for me. Trying to fill big empty gaping holes that only parental wounds create. Having this space this last few years and being on my own out of relationship for the last 6-7 years - it has made me grow up. From immature relating to mature relating. Of course I am not perfect. But I am certainly not who I was several years ago. The tools I teach in Trust Your Intuition is EXACTLY what I have used to heal all of this. When I say I live what I teach and preach, I mean it. I wouldn't teach what doesn't work but only YOU can do the work! No healer can do it for you - guide you yes, but only YOU can heal you. Not everyone wants to heal. That... was a hard lesson for me to learn over the years. I digress...
Any issues in any current relationships can ALWAYS be traced back to parental lineage wounds somewhere along the lines if you know what you are looking for.
Being on my own this last few years I was definitely tested and there were definitely times when it came close to what I thought was 'it' in a relationship... but there were always things not in alignment.
Sure... many relationships are built on compromise out there - but I had always held true in my heart that I didn't need to. Some people wouldn't agree but... I am not them.
I have always held belief that I could have what I REALLY want, no matter how long it took.
It is EXACTLY why I have built my empire the way I have.. gone without and sacrificed SOOOO much because I am happy to wait to get what I REALLY want instead of settling. No matter how long it took.
I recently went to a place where I had 3 Secret Missions rolled into one... can you guess what they are?! Let alone celebrating crossing the 5,000 follower mark organically since August on instagram whilst being 'stuck' at 2,300 followers for YEARS... so this is a BIG celebration!!! (Secret Offer Closes in a few days btw! ðđ)
Through these secret missions I bought myself these roses and they made me sooooo happy! I just wanted them. These secret missions were also my birthday celebration from September rolled into it, as I worked solidly on my birthday knowing this trip was coming up and it was going to be time then, to celebrate, honour, cherish and love on myself some more ðđ
I have spent too many Mother's Day's, Birthday's and Christimases on my own with going through DEEP DEEP grief every time it rolled around that I didn't have anyone, that no one was/is there for me, that no one would just buy me flowers at least, that at the time the relationships that were around me, didn't feel supportive, always put me down and broke my heart. Through deep grief and years of it, I started to set boundaries on these 'special' days for me. I chose to spend them alone. I chose to buy myself flowers. Whilst the first few times were hard... today.. I LOVE buying myself flowers and it genuinely makes me happy to give to myself. There is not the undertone pang of 'I don't have anyone and I HAVE to do this for myself' - that feeling is not there. It is a genuine feeling of happiness that comes from deep within... I think this feeling is what they call Self Love.
Self Love Word Cliche can be thrown around so easily... and sure, it definitely begins with buying yourself flowers or taking baths or whatever your self love thing is for you... setting healthy boundaries is ALSO self love btw kinda THE definition of it... and whilst it is where you begin - because if you can't even give to yourself and genuinely receive it without feeling guilt, a gaping big empty hole - well, you know what I am going to say right? - Not even when someone gives you EXACTLY what you want will you be satisfied with it - because that gaping hole will still be there - you still won't be happy - because only YOU can make you happy - not someone else. Not a relationship, not anything outside of yourself. It is that deep, deep within space.
That is where the healing is needed and only YOU can do that.
Because you can't HEAL when you are in an unhealthy toxic never ending cycle of drama and shit. It is just the same shit being repeated over and over on different levels. You might grow slightly.. but you are stunted because you can only go so far with chains and anchors around your ankles. ESPECIALLY when the other party isn't willing to do the work WITH you.
Let alone... what your SOUL and INTUITION KNOWS is the life that is destined for you....
It just depends if you TRUST YOUR INTUITION to THAT level...
That place where you KNOW your dreams are there because that is the life you are born for...
It just depends if you're willing to do whatever it takes, for as long as it takes and not settling along the way to LIVE what you KNOW you are BORN for.
Not everyone lives out their destiny and dreams.
You have to CHOOSE it.
I know what I have chosen.
And I think... it shows.
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen ð
P.S. If you are waiting on things from me - it's coming! I have been without an admin for the last 6 weeks and whilst I was like yep, I can do it and then I did and then it piled up and no I can't - just old patterns creeping in for me, cause I am human not a perfect robot lol - let alone finding the perfect admin, who she has graciously turned up and I am so thankful for this Godsend, so bare with me whilst I train her and we can get back on track and back on wildfire creation like I know how best
P.P.S. The Secret Offer Closes this week! Saturday AEST to be exact! If you are ready to jump in for the $5k Secret Offer, which you will only be told what it is after you jump in and this is OBVIOUSLY for those that Trust their intuition, leap at opportunities say YES when their Soul says so and follow through the same, then comment SECRET below and I will send it to you, but it is only available for the next 3 days!
P.P.P.S. If you truly want to heal your past, free your Soul and live your Life Purpose - Trust Your Intuition Super Early Bird Doors are open now. Our 2024 is now open and Super Early Bird Investment Increases November 1st. We commence our 9 month training in February 2024 and I am sooo looking forward to holding this sacred training for you that changes your entire life! I haven't opened the doors to this since November 2021, so this is super special and sacred and only available to those who are truly ready to journey through their Soul to awaken and live their Purpose in this life time. Comment TRUST below and I will send it to you.
P.P.P.P.S. Trust Your Intuition is OPEN - that means my 12 Month Life Purpose Accelerator Private Mentorship is open. If you know that Inner Circle Access to gain VIP Lifetime Access to all my courses and meditations PLUS working privately with me for 12 Months is just the ONLY level you play at anyway, comment ACCELERATOR below and I will send you the details ððĶð