The Predictive Dates for January:
Jan 13, 2020
The Predictive Dates for January:
13th- 15th
In my livestream on the beach on the 8th January, I was intuitively given dates of when the energies for January would be a bit challenging/graty or the like, so we can prepare and be aware to support ourselves with extra TLC on these dates.
Yesterday was the Uluru Activation that everyone had been looking towards and for me it was... quite interesting to say the least.
I was tuning in all day, yet around late afternoon, it hit me - hard. So hard I had to lay down!
It was almost 6pm Brisbane time... and I was floored.. this migraine type thing (although I don't really know what a migraine is?!) I rarely/never get sick and I know when I do - it is the energy passing through my body, not actually sick!
Today, a client sent me information on the activation and the time - was 6 something am GMT time and when I did the conversion - yep, the time I started to feel the energy and then by 2 hours later was laying down!
I was super conscious of the upgrades and reconnections going on at Uluru, so I allowed it to flow through me. I thought a good nights sleep would fix it, but no... vivid dreams with profound and strongly conscious messages and a wakeful night and as I woke, was reminded of these dates I was given earlier this month. (and of course, running through my 'head' on how to take back my power and change my schedule so I didn't feel this way)
When higher vibrations are infiltrated in a healing session (or our Earth like Uluru!) old vibrations are stirred up and shifted out. Hence probably, why the dates of the 13th-15th were given, the days after the activation/reconnection/infiltrations of light through Uluru!
Which is exactly what I was allowing myself to receive!
All the times I have been disempowered or felt controlled... and all the times I have knowingly or unknowingly done such to others.... RELEASE!
All the times I have felt overburdened and less than others... or have knowingly or unknowingly done this to others... RELEASE!
All the times I have felt shut down and closed down my light... and all the times I have knowingly or unknowingly done this to others... RELEASE!!
Take that - and apply it to Humanity/Planet Earth and you can start to understand what is shifting out of our collective consciousness - or, that people are waking up to. We are simply, becoming more conscious.
Your physical symptoms will be your guide post of where and what you are releasing specifically to what you have done to others or have felt they have done to you.
This is deeply healing the dominance of power and control and bringing it back into balance and unity which is the epitome of the Solar Plexus.
Unifying through Shadow Work - what I see in others I see in me. What I heal in others, I heal in me.
As I was tuning into what the Solar Plexus meant for me with Uluru late last week, I was consciously aware of bringing more PLAY and LIGHTNESS into my life in 2020 and beyond.
The opposite of these is shut down, depressed and dark.
The Solar Plexus is our LIGHT - it is big and bright yellow like the Sun and it also is where our Play and Light hearted joyfulness for life lays.
Usually through 'unexpected' LIFE changes - that gets shut down and everything feels like a burden.
Release the pain from your Heart and take your power back, by remembering how to PLAY again and bring Lightheartedness to every waking breath - stop being so serious! Is the message I received for myself! Which - I think many can relate to!
We forget how to play, because many didn't even get to do that as a child!
Then, as we grow up, life seems to get harder, or something... and we also need to redefine what Play is to us.
#1 - because we never got to play as kids (think stepping into people pleaser roles, caring for the family etc)
#2 - as we grow older, so does what is fun for us change. For example for me, taking drugs and raving used to be my fun when I was 18-21.
Now having Adaya and all the changes I have gone through since I was 21 including my spiritual awakening at this time - fun changed for me.
For a long time, I didn't know what brought me joy - because drugs were my quick fix joy and I never knew what play or fun was as a kid.
In 2020, perhaps redefining what joy and PLAY even means to you and consciously choosing to bring more of this into your life.
Because when you PLAY - everything is LIGHTER and the hard stuff doesn't feel so burdensome or hard.
Your vibration increases and this is where the 'effortless' manifestation and synchronistic flow of life happens - that CAN be your normal - if you choose to find your PLAY again.
But you have to make a choice to PLAY and return to the LIGHT this way.
Your vibration changes when you laugh and PLAY it is just that most of us don't know how, or need to redefine what this even is.
Do you know - what your PLAY and LIGHT HEARTED Self is?
Do you commit to finding Him/Her this year and choosing to BE that person now?
For me, things that are PLAY and that I commit to bringing more of these into 2020 and beyond are:
~ Spending time with Adaya
~ Surfing in exotic locations
~ Snorkelling on incredible reefs (Scuba Dive certificate is on the cards too)
~ Still water supping
~ Running
~ Creative Arts (Writing, Macrame and Painting)
~ Bike Riding with our dogs on missions for the best coffee and juice bars around
I am sure more will come to me as I start to open to BEING and consciously making time for these in 202 and beyond.
Basically I am committing to more JOY in my every waking breath.. and sleep! I choose playful, lighthearted deep restorative sleep too βΊοΈ
What.. are yours? Comment below and let me know? ππ»ππ»ππ»How have you experienced the activation and upgrades of LIGHT on the planet?
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen π
P.S. Are you committing to accelerating Your Life Purpose in 2020?
There are only 2 places left for the Life Purpose Accelerator - my 12 month Inner Circle where you gain deep support to shift you beyond what you currently think your Life Purpose is and ground it into reality.
With 12 Months 1:1 access to me, let alone your access all areas pass to everything I create in 2020 and what is already at your finger tips, this is your golden ticket to truly aligning, activating and LIVING your Life Purpose in 2020 and beyond.
Click here for all the details, there are only 2 places left: