The Reason #iambosslee Jessie Lee ‘died suddenly’ of stage 4 bowel cancer
Sep 21, 2023
The Reason #iambosslee Jessie Lee ‘died suddenly’ of stage 4 bowel cancer - and no, it wasn’t the jab.
I didn’t even know she existed until I saw a lot of people I’m connected to posting about her and it caught my attention - so I did my intuitive research, as I do until I get the answer.
I wasn’t going to say or share anything, when I intuitively investigate people’s death (because it comes up for a me a lot with the mediumship work I do) but it came up again in a client conversation today and then doing the dishes I’ve been guided to share this.
My intuitive research led me to find her last livestream on her instagram and I picked up a lot - let alone the obvious grief she was holding/fighting back. Then I looked some more and hear her share how she had a rough childhood - but I see, she has built an incredible empire, impacted millions and - has been running at effect of her childhood the entire time.
We can build all the fame and wealth we want to compensate what we lacked in childhood and not just lacked, but to deem ourselves worthy and ready to receive the love and care we never got as a child and yet the reality is, deep down unconsciously we don’t even realise we are doing it. We do, and we don’t.
The reason she ‘died suddenly’ (like months of learning she had stage 4 bowel cancer and then was 'gone in an instant')…
I see it commonly with this problem - they (whoever it is - I have seen this repeatedly) get cancer and the first thing they do is go and do all the extreme health regimes and enemas they can and then end up dying anyway and I say that's because it’s a bit late for that.
What I mean is - that’s not the focus that is needed at such a severe illness hitting. I have seen countless stories of this and people wonder why they still die.
Detoxing your body at a severe stage of illness only puts MORE pressure on your truly have to understand what enemas and extreme health regime's do for your physical - especially when severe illness hits. There are certain limitations and specific intuitive protocols to follow - yes, get healthy - but too much at once puts more severe strain on the physical body.
When you detox you stir up toxins - not what is needed with an already overloaded system.
What needs releasing is the emotional stored trauma, pain, hurt, betrayal, resentment and sooo many deep grief stored tears that need releasing…immediately. Your body held it for too long and is now screaming for attention.
And yet, society has been taught to hold back tears and just get on with it.
It takes a special kind of Healer to hold space for deep grief to come out - especially at stage 4 cancer and there ain’t many of us out there that can hold such deep space with intricate intuitive delicacy and knowing when to push certain buried subjects that are stored in said stage 4 cancer (or insert your illness) that is plain and clear as day to an Intuitive Healer, this is actually what is required in such states.
It is why the 'really heathy person' 'suddenly' gets a severe illness - it isn't about the physical health of the body!
I’m grateful, humbled and honoured to be training my healers this way - because these coming years… we are going to need them. And to be honest - it is missing on the planet in the personal development and healing world!
I am honoured and deeply holding space for Jessie right now for when one crosses over the truth is revealed to them. I’ve held countless mediumship sessions where I am tending to the soul who has crossed over more than the physical humans left behind.
What a gift. There is truly no words for this level of service and my purpose-driven desire to get this knowledge out - let’s just say, I’m grateful I followed my intuition at Solstice to give up monthly Full Moon Ceremonies to finish my project for the next 18months… that began in 2005.
If you have not dealt with past trauma from your childhood - and I am talking MONTHS of deep facing grief black holes and being in the depths of it with a trained facilitator who can hold deep grief for you you then face it - before the physical knocks you down and takes you for the ride of your life - it's literally time to send me a message or let the wells of tears that you can't stop for months COME THE FUCK OUT OF YOUR BODY. I speak about this deeply in my book.
And no, I’m not talking about a few reiki sessions - I’m talking about the raw, messy, dark tunnel grief wall work that feels like it never ends.
I see quite a few in the industry right now of personal development, healing, manifestation, law of attraction, even god given Christian rites, who are suppressing a well of deep grief and trauma and covering it up with positivity, building empires or ‘God takes care of me’ that if not dealt with will show soon.
I see it plain as day, it is my gift I see it without even trying. It is obvious when you know what you are looking for without even looking and the uncomfortableness they have or the ungroundedness or 'something is off' sense you sense with them through their content.
We have interesting times ahead....
In deep service, in deep purpose, with what I was born for… so people can truly heal from the trauma that our generation is breaking chains of and not take it to their grave with them, no matter how many lives they’ve positively impacted with their 'positivity'.
#iambosslee #jessielee