There are lands in which we are born into…

goddess speaks how to find your life purpose how to trust your intuition triple goddess Sep 26, 2021

"There are lands in which we are born into… lands from which we came. Lands that we think we own, or that they stole or lied to us or this story or that story is truth…

My heart breaks seeing the destructive warfare rife in the negation of anyone’s opinion and shutting down of that mouthless whore.

The lands were taken, stolen, destruction lays bane…

And yet, we’re fighting in the wrong direction. 

Pulling and picking apart each other’s words, telling everyone they’re convicts and it’s time to leave the lands…

And yet, the focus on the history is what is keeping us bound…

Time is not linear and when the word is spoken, undertones rumble Home…. the Earth shakes as words speak and destruction is at core.

There never will be a time in history that is the crux turning point….for its rolling ethers as day rolls into night, months into years.... time as the destructive force drives right along side the life giving force. When resolution lays, bound out of the constructs of time, the remembrance shall bring us back once more.

The lifeless force of the bones and blood, turns fire and hate beyond the stone.

Moulded by time and lifeless reigns, it is beyond the sinking ships, as the core of life sustains.

Most know the truth doesn’t come from the corning home laid to rest by the breast. She is One at the core of the stone.

It is beyond this paradigm and it is here, the answers lay in calling this Home, where Brothers and Sisters remember each other beyond borders, race, breed and grace.

She unpicks the rest with her toothless bones and underfoot she rests at the corners of Dusks and Dawns…Weeping Mothers for lifeless trees torn as they are born, deeply embedded in the unrest…. Reaches to the deep into the Stone. No body, owns this Land. 

Through this time of Great Awakening, Great Destruction is at hand. Pull from beyond this paradigm and ask to be ignited in the remembrance of all Brothers and Sisters, of all Human Folk Lore to Crystallise through Plasmic Light, the dance of the doors to the Heart once more." - Platinum Priestess of Light. 

When she speaks, I listen. 

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

P.S. I had to google some of the words and meanings pouring through. It helps to put it together and make sense. Much has deep ancient lineage back before Lumeria, a time, place, space that is beyond this paradigm we call Home. When we come together and stop fighting with our words and walk with the wisdom the words can effect, it is here we will see the birth of the Earth we are all standing, side by side, hand in hand, for. 


For utmost depth in the connection to the Divine your INTUITION, for Queens who want it all. 

Sensual understanding, lust of the core of your Soul, deep connection to all that is so your INTUITION is THAT on point in all that you do - send me a message for all the details, INTUITION is open - only - for Queens Who Want It All. 

P.P.P.S. Our Full Moon Ceremony Powerful Activation is about to DROP - keep your eyes peeled!!! 🌕 The feeling of this, merges our Worlds back Home.