There are so many broken women out there (or insert 'men')
Jan 04, 2024
There are so many broken women out there (or insert 'men'). So many lost hopes and dreams. So much domestic violence that imprints on a woman's soul for a lifetime if not more.
The detriment to our bodies that cop the load of abuse, that is stored in the fat cells of your very aching heart and completely ridden with open holes that if not tended to, allow a ventricle nerve of entities to pour in and attach to and it will feel like you’re cursed, like you have a cloak of invisibility of you, cause you to remain paralysed in, in action and look to scrolling the internet for the ones ahead of you whilst you sit there wondering what you ever did wrong in which ever lifetime that caused this or that someone placed a curse on you and you can’t do anything about it, that that is what is causing this.
I call bullshit on that.
You’ve been hurt.
You’ve been broken.
You’ve been cursed and fuck - I bet you cursed them back.
You’re not trapped.
You’re not held captive.
But fuck it feels like it at times.
The trauma is holding you back, your scars from where you were burnt, tortured and maimed live in you today.
They are ventricle openings like the valve in your heart, that cause you to feel like you can’t even breathe anymore.
And yet… you do.
Somehow you continue you.
Somehow you get back up.
We are the women who have been burnt - sure in previous lives - but I am not talking about your past lifetimes.
I am talking about this one.
The one where you’ve been scarred and held captive by your own detriment of yourself.
Where you trusted someone else’s words over your own intuitive soul.
You damn well KNEW not to go there, but you did and now look where you ended up.
Where your soul was ripped open and your lights codes stolen and taken, dismantled and jumbled and now you’re walking around in a confused mess of a paralysed mess and you’re so. darn. over. it!
Welcome to the new era of becoming who you truly are, healing the past and moving the fuck on with your life… finally.
I am Hannah and I am here to heal the world of it’s trauma to put people back together, to remind them who they fuck they are, to heal the world of their physical ailments and allow them to be free, living fulfilling lives of their destiny and the true reason they are born - their Life Purpose.
It’s time to remember who we are, at our core, of your innate power and stand up to live that.
There is a delicate balance of power of acknowledging what you’ve been through, being with your pain and then burning that pain to the ground to rise up into the reason you went through it all in the first place.
I hold that balance, that fine line of delving into the darkness and reminding you of your light that heals it all and living the entire spectrum in a moment’s breath and not being lost in it at the same time, allowing you to navigate through the chaos, to the be cartographer of that magic that is within you, guiding you the entire time - it’s time to let your Soul speak and give rise to that light within you.
I am a Healer and I am here to heal the world, to rid the world of it’s darkness, that evil cannot survive in such truth that holds the light that dissolves away the illusion and spell of the curse of unconsciousness and disillusion that humanity has been entrapped in.
That spell is breaking, that curse is lifting and humanity is remembering - in global mass awakening - this day is coming and I am here for it.
I am here to guide humanity through the pain that is coming, in their personal lives and in the world - for we are walking into a new reality, a new era and it is coming in fast.
Are you ready?
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. I released a 2024 Secret Offer in Private Mentoring with me! If you’re ready to start 2024 off right, comment READY below and I will send you the details for this limited offer private mentoring for a magical and kick in the butt get on the road year of 2024!
P.P.S. For the leaders, the change makers, the way showers, the potent Ancient Blooded Healers who know they are here for a reason, Life Purpose Accelerator my 12 month Mentorship is open for enrolment. For the ones who know they are born for more and are ready to step out the box society has placed upon them, to heal their wounds and step into the powerhouse they are born for. Click here for Life Purpose Accelerator, as enrolments are open, but will be closing soon:
P.P.P.S. Healing with Hannah - my 9 Month Healing In Person Immersion Vortex of powerhouse in person sessions plus the deep immersion that the 9 month healing cycle brings working with me, to heal long lain buried issues that you can feel literally making your hands shake and rumble and you’re wondering what is going on with your body, but you know it is deeper than… just physical. You’re already on fire in your life, but that fire - is burning deep in your heart for more expansion and you can sense the depth of where this desire comes from - it is here, my 9 Month Healing with Hannah Immersion is what this unlocks, shifts and changes you to the birthing your Life Purpose is calling forth within you. One Day Immersions also available. Private Message me ‘Healing with Hannah’ to connect in conversation about this exclusive Healing Vortex with me.