May 05, 2021
THERE IS A FIRE RUNNING THROUGH YOUR SOUL right now and it is burning up and burning through all the old karma, all the old ashes, leaving nothing but cinder in it's trace as it is completely regenerating your life... just like you've always wanted it to be - the karma paradigm is shifting out of you - that paradigm of spiritual laws is completely falling away...
Let that old paradigm of your life fall away... or you will be expending more energy trying to fight inside it, trying to be right, trying to prove your point, trying to be good enough so it doesn't leave..... LET IT BURN AWAY YOUR SOUL WANTS TO IGNITE 🔥
But that may look different to what you thought...
But it may feel different to what you thought...
But underneath, you can feel the FIRE RUNNING THROUGH YOUR SOUL is MAKING YOU COME ALIVE!!!!
However, this energy may feel:
- frantic/hectic/fast paced/so much to do
- getting it done but phew! So full at the moment!
- like you don't have enough time (but we are the creators of time in our reality yes, however time has felt VERY different lately and it is a whole new recalibration to working with time all over again)
- like sooooo many ideas are pouring through
- like you have new found direction that is bringing your heart ALIVE
- you are purging out of your system things from your body that may leave you in bed, or wanting to be in bed all day or just not feeling 100% at all
- wanting to expand in ways you haven't done before, stretching yourself in ways you haven't done before
- receiving more abundance, money, love and all the good things that you haven't experienced before
- there may be some of you that life is... just normal Hannah, nothing much but same old stuff going on here
There is a wave right now, that is taking you for a ride. A ride that your Soul has been awaiting divine timing to step onto and allow your life to transform in the most magical ways possible.
There are doorways of opportunities opening for you right now and your Soul is speaking to you.
What brings you alive? What ideas bring you to your knees with gratitude and tears or that make you soooo excited that you forgot how ALIVE life can feel right now?
These energies are with us for another 2-3 weeks and then in June big door ways open and new portals are birthed.
Right now is cleaning up and preparing - getting on that wave. After this wave it will be learning to ride the board that you just received and allowing yourself to adjust to your new found reality.
Get ready for big shifts, life changing energies, opportunities and saying yes to things you just didn't know you had the guts to before but oh, your SOUL is calling you - yes?
THERE IS A FIRE RUNNING THROUGH YOUR SOUL right now and it is calling you to listen.
What have you picked back up that you once dropped because well, what was the point? Maybe someone in your life 'made you stop your passion' or your fire went out because you were trying to fit in, in a place/situation that your Soul just didn't belong. Perhaps you are on the other side of that now and everything is coming alive again because well, you are not letting your Soul be shut down anymore.
Now is the time to follow your Soul more than ever before. Now is the time to trust and leap more than you have ever done before.
Humanity is in a crucial tipping point over these next 5 years and right now - THERE IS A FIRE RUNNING THROUGH YOUR SOUL calling you forth to COME ALIVE AGAIN.
The 'patriarchal' system is collapsing and what that means is that your INTUITIVE self is returning... She/He was never gone.. but you clouded that, shrunk that light and now you are returning...
You are the Phoenix Rising out of the Flames...
You are the Dragon whose wings are back in full flight (Heart Open - Dragons are deeply signified and connected to opening your Heart, if Dragons are around for you, it means that your Heart is healing - deeply)
You are the Soul WHO IS FIRE and transforms all that you come across... just by being who you are.
You are a Healer who doesn't need to speak to do your work.
You are powerful beyond measure and yoru Soul is calling you forth to RISE into the greatness you are..
And that begins by following the fire, the aliveness, the joy, the laughter... all the things that were once buried from all the pain, all the trauma all the hurt.. which has been releasing from the collective consciousness for the last 6 months specifically.
If you've been feeling like:
- a freight train has hit you and made your life turn upside down on it's head
- that your life is 100% different compared to 6 months ago
- that you have had more realisations, awakenings and are facing some cold hard truths that make you want to turn away again and again than you've
- you and your life have changed more in the last 4-6 months than you have in the last 4 years
You're right on path beautiful Soul.
Keep going -
THERE IS A FIRE RUNNING THROUGH YOUR SOUL and it is burning away all that is not your truth, not your whole Light.
Let the past go... let it be burned away, let yourself be renewed without that stale negative energy sitting in your field and life blocking all that your Heart desires and is required for the fulfilment of your Destiny...
Let your Heart & Soul LEAD YOU.
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. There is MAGIC beaming out of Sacred Soul Reverence!
Some deep Heart & Soul reconnection back to the core of the physical in our Human life, and how to marry the two to be in divine harmony - rather than fighting and arguing... the pure bliss of actually rekindling that flame of the divine within you - that creates and ripples out into your everyday life - you can SEE it in people when this connection is there.
Are you ready to rekindle that flame within YOU?
To create the magic in your life that you see others living... effortlessly?
There is still time to get into Sacred Soul Reverence - via - Transcendence Reality Society - which gives you access to EVERYTHING.
Transcendence Reality Society is the Inner Circle of Reality Awareness where you RISE into your greatness to live your Life Purpose - the entire reason you are here on Earth.
If you're ready for the deepest recalibration of your Highest Self to LIVE from your Heart and Soul - this is the place to be, click here for all the details, for this investment is increasing very soon: