There is divine timing and then there is the Universe waiting around

Oct 06, 2022

There is divine timing and then there is the Universe waiting around, twiddling it’s thumbs for YOU to take action honey! 

There is definitely a time and a place for divine timing to play it’s part, however, there is a distinct fine line that is so thin it is irrelevant because it is YOU that is the Universe and it is YOU that is the Oracle, it is YOU that is the MAGIC it is YOU that CREATES your own reality and the Universe is RESPONDING to YOUR calling in and taking action on what it is YOU want… not what the Universe wants in divine timing waiting for things to happen - doesn’t work like that. 

The bored, dull and flat self waiting around for someone to save you, fix you or ‘divine timing to line up’ - doesn’t happen that way! 

The bored, dull, flat, lost all motivation self is because your dreams are not bigger enough. You have flattened and squashed yourself because well, life brought you down. 

It is NORMAL when you reach your goals to feel deflated - you have just given birth! Now, time to get new ones and create again! You THRIVE in creation and it is who you are. 

I am here to tell you that the only thing KEEPING you in that place of dullness and lethargy - is YOU! You stopped pursuing what you REALLY want. 

No need for settling here and definitely don’t need to keep those unconscious ties around any longer. You’re not one to let life defeat you! You’re the one that runs the damn show and you know it! 

Sure, you may feel like there is no reason to at this time, however, the Universe is waiting for YOU to pick yourself back up and stop thinking so damn SMALL. 

If you are trying to find your way as your compass recalibrates - well, it will KEEP recalibrating until you move mountains first.

You will keep feeling flat, dull and like life sucked you dry UNTIL you choose bigger - so damn big that your excitement comes back because you know it is possible, because it is your divine destiny and your Soul speaking to you and you KNOW this is meant for you and you will do whatever it takes for as long as it takes until it takes because…. What else is there? 

You will feel that deep pull, that deep alignment and deep FUCK YES, because it is your Soul speaking. 

There are always levels and evolutions of your Life Purpose and each time you uplevel it doesn’t have to be some great big dramatic fallout when you do - and reality is, that usually only happens the first time, because then you learn how to transform with JOY and life - changes. 

You get good at this, you dream bigger and know this recalibration phase so it doesn’t phase you anymore and you just… MOVE. 

You remembered your true dreams, in the highest alignment and reiteration of yourself and realise… your dreams into reality because you can now. 

So - you do. 

Dream bigger, Create bigger, Live bigger. 

Your Soul is here for expansion isn’t it? 

Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen ๐Ÿ‘‘

P.S. Transformation, Healing, Expansion and changing your life takes time. I am not here for a quick fix because there is no such thing. I am here to honour my clients journey whilst holding them to their highest expansion and evolution of their Life Purpose. I am here for the Dark and Light of it all.

My 9 Month Vortex is open  for those sacred clients ready to expand, accelerate and transform your darkest days into your biggest nights - with red carpet and all. 

You are successful. 

You are good at what you do. 

You love what you do even. 

However, you can feel something bubbling up and have just lost that spark, but you know, this is the recalibration and you’re ready to be activated through this phase, to allow life to unfold the way you consciously choose, not the subconscious creations - because you’ve done that before and are catching it red handed. 

You’re ready to be expanded beyond your intuitive capabilities that you thought was possible that takes reality creation to a whole new level. 

Healing with Hannah takes you beyond: 

~ healing through pain to healing through joy 
~ catching and transforming, before it turns to a great big mess
~ activating your psychic abilities to a whole new level 
~ using your intuition in all your life and business making decisions 
~ heart aligned pure service actions that serve your life like you didn’t know was possible 
~ healing deep trauma you can feel, but don’t know how that moves without rocking your entire world at the same time (this is my forte) 

You’re ready to take action, expand that and heal through joy at the same time, so send me a message to discuss Healing with Hannah, my 9 Month Sacred Vortex of Intuitive Healing, Powerful, Potent Transformation and Life Purpose Mentoring.