There is nothing wrong with heads down bums up!
Oct 04, 2022
There is nothing wrong with heads down bums up working your ass off to get projects, deadlines and DREAMS to REALITY baby!
You don’t see people giving people a hard time because they are sticking out their masters degree at university and working two jobs at the same time to get ahead in life - so those building empires shouldn’t be judged on same - because it is the same! Just different avenues but same hard ass work!
The reality of building an empire, the reality of building and stabilising an online empire - or any business of your choosing is that it takes time - it takes HOURS and WEEKS and YEARS of dedicated CONSISTENT hard work.
To think other wise, well, you may and just go and work for someone else and 'be happy'.
I have realised recently that I have been carrying a tonne of shame this last 2 years due to working hard to build what I have. I got caught up in the online coaching world that you need to lay back, be ‘feminine’ and do nothing and ‘receive’.
What I wish someone had explained to me is it is the energetics here is what they meant! Is this, is actually an internal shift.
A shift out of fight or flight and into ‘rest’ mode.
Not - rest on the external and do nothing expecting manifestations to appear - but an internal rest, you have dropped into a peaceful internal state.
Your parasympathetic state is activated.
Not one driven by fear, trauma and chaos to create what you want in the world.
But… because you want to - because your Purpose calls you to.
Because your Heart wants to.
Because what on Earth else would you be doing in the world, other than… this?
I will not harbour shame anymore ever again for working 7 days a week.
They say to create a life you don’t need a vacation from… well.. that is why 7 days of work a week, doesn’t feel like that. I set my own schedule work when I want and freedom to create when I choose. It is always a choice.
Burnout only occurs when you have lost the JOY of why you began doing it in the first place. Burnout occurs - when you are shifting from the masculine overdrive (the sympathetic nervous system, fight or flight, traumatic fear state of creation) (which btw is nothing wrong creating from this space with when you are shifting your life out of the crap to a better fucking life! ESSENTIAL).
However, you will reach a point of ‘rest’ where you don’t want to do what you do anymore… but that isn’t true because you do… but you don’t… but what you have to realise - is that you are switching… from sympathetic creation to parasympathetic creation aka from fear to love creations.
And that…. Is to be honoured.
You’ve been on a fucking journey to get where you are.
You have walked through the fires and some to birth what you have, to pull yourself out the shit life that you made you sort out your life int he first place and you wouldn’t as hell be where you are today without it!
Honour… your journey. And take the time needed to recalibrate to this space. Take time to heal. You can still do your thing and do that… whilst you adjust to this new vibration.
You love what you do.
It is just coming into a new relationship with loving it… because you want to… not to do what you do best to get out of situations that you’ve outgrown.
Allow this true alignment of your Soul, because that.. is what is truly going on here. And that.. is to be celebrated, acknowledged and deeply honoured for what it is.
You’ve been through a tonne… and now you’re free of that… to truly live your Life’s Purpose in pure, unadulterated freedom… because you CAN.
That… is MAGIC precious one.
Recognise it for what it is and now… utilise that MAGIC to amplify your Purpose, your Dreams because…
YOU CAN - With authentic, pure LOVE and JOY.
And that magnetism? Is what dreams are made of.
Just because they don't see your vision, doesn't mean you don't know where you're going.
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. I have heard so many people recently tell me their psychic protection tools - do not work like they used to! That - doesn’t surprise me! Consciousness is shifting PLUS you are too and this is a factor, not many realise. And no, this isn’t about calling in another Archangel or Deity to protect you either.
We will cover why consciousness changing affects the psychic and spiritual tools you use and what is really going on as to why they are not working anymore. We will dispel myths from facts and get you back on track with feeling good, safe and protected - aka - your normal self again and fast. Definitely important as we edge towards Halloween and one of the darkest portals of the year!
Click here for all the details, I am excited to take us through this Psychic Protection 111 Journey:
P.P.S. Prefer private 1:1 mentoring? My 30 Day Reality Shifter is open, where we will shift your funk, get you clear, activate and enhance your psychic abilities and understand why… life is happening to and for you the way that it is.
Because, let’s be real, you didn’t see THIS coming and are coming into your power but WHY are all these other things happening at the same time?
That… let alone discovering the essence of your Life Purpose and what you’re really meant to do with your life, now that THIS has happened.
Click here for all the details to work 1:1 with me:
P.P.P.S. Life Purpose Accelerator is open - this is for the ones ready to step into their Lightworking Career and shift out of the 9-5, this is for the ones that know they have a gift and are ready to amplify their Light in the world, sharing, shifting and stepping into their Leadership role with their Life Purpose.
This is for the Ancient Blooded Healers who know they are here to change the world with their BEING and that they are BORN FOR THIS, that anything else is death to their Soul and they KNOW they are meant to do this, you feel it in your bones and are ready... to RISE, click here for all the details: