Things are very fluid right now - this way, no this way, no back this way - which way again?
Aug 28, 2021
Things are very fluid right now - this way, no this way, no back this way - which way again?
Confusion - the ultimate control of the narcissist.
BTW #sidenote I saw a mentor that triggers the fuck out of me and inspires so deeply at the same time, talk about admitting she was a narcissist - but the light side - one should be selfishly absorbed in themselves, put themselves first and all those 'light' side pieces -
The only way out of this entire world mess right. now - is to transform it all.
The integration of the Light and the Dark aspects of reality - IS the answer - IS the 'way'.
Confusion - which way, this way. Feeling good - yes! This makes sense, let's do this, then nek minute - no, not supposed to do that and all feels hopeless and lost again.
Do you know why this is happening?
Sooooo much new collective thought coming in - we are ALL feeling it.
Soooo many are expanding their mind and consciousness right now - because they are busy scrambling to find SOLUTIONS to the madness and the ways around the change in the way society is being run right now.
Everything is changed to what it was 2 years ago - we feel a deep compassionate love for the life we had 2 years ago - no matter what was going on because of how 'free' we were back then compared to now.
And the energy now, compared to then - is a lot more fast paced, a lot more 'stuck' a lot more fear induced...
BUT - if you sense deeper - some of that 'confusion' - is actually MANY out of the box thinkers - doing JUST that. Thinking outside the box, ways around and creating THAT.
And with that, comes soooo much palatable shifting.
Like you can literally feel the Earth's tectonic plates shifting beneath your feet it is that palatable (or is that only Empaths & Ancient Blooded Healers that can feel that? 😉)
The YES! This is right! And then the despair and hopelessness that kicks in after watching 2 mins of something, not even, or someone saying something to you...
This is about your POWER in your Consciousness.
When we are in the middle of a Consciousness war - the integration INCREASES your power and the outside energetics have less and less influence on you, because you are savvy, you know that consciousness inside out, so it doesn't control you - you control it, so to speak.
BTW, I was always scared of 'being in control' - and so let down my guard....
There is being in control of your life - and being controlling in relationships - big difference. And there is the Light and Dark again. The good and the bad.
What you also have to realise, is that sooo many people are expanding right now - coming up with solutions to all that is going on in the world.
Many are going through trials and tribulations to what will work, what won't and trying again. So don't give up. Keep going until you find the way that works.
It might seem like all is lost or there is no way. And we break down in tears and... finally get back up again and try again... and we keep going until we find the solution.
You have to remember too - that sometimes the solution won't arrive until we 'get there' and is why it seems like it won't work - because it is just not yet time. But it is there, because you wouldn't be thinking it is, if it wasn't there in the ethers right? You sense stuff - trust this. It is there, just making it's way into tangible reality.
So if something feels right to you - then all of a sudden it doesn't - it is probably not truth - your SOUL is guiding you to something - CONTINUE with this. The 'it doesn't feel right anymore or something is off' - whilst it is important to tune into, two things - #1 - doubt always comes up when you make a decision and #2 - when your SOUL is meant to do something towards your Life Purpose - everything will try to stop you and distract you.
Remember, if it hasn't been done before - that is your Life Purpose.
It is not yet on the planet yet - but it IS the solution to all the chaos.
Your duty is to rise above the chaos, block everything out and do what is not yet on the planet yet.
THIS is the core of your Purpose.
THIS is the core of who you are.
THIS is the reason you are scared of doing it, or think it won't work - because you are looking externally for all the answers and NOTHING is giving you an inch BECAUSE - if it ain't yet on the planet, then how on Earth would you find confirmation of that?
This is why Trusting Your Intuition UNLOCKS your Life Purpose.
And most people don't trust themselves, hence this being the core of what I teach, my signature program, and the 'how' it steps you into your Life Purpose.
If you don't Trust Your Intuition - then your Purpose won't be born.
Because it is not yet on the planet.
But you are... and it is about to be born.
If you would only trust yourself.
Many are clouded in trauma hence, not realising who they are, not knowing what they want just to name, but a few.
The journey to unravelling your Purpose is just that - a journey.
And yet, if you are surrounded by people doing just that - you WILL get there- if you would only block everything out and remember who you are, let alone what you are here for and trust yourself to bring that to Earth in the most transformative way.
It takes dedication, commitment and a strong will to block out the noise of the choose that is purposely there to distract you.
It takes a deep knowing of who you are, to not let the bombardment of all the technological devices control you.
YOU are in control - but does that scare you?
Or empower you?
Do you truly trust yourself enough to do what you were born to do?
The fluid changing - is YOUR reality about to land.
The question is - are you allowing it to?
Or allowing the outside influences to direct you?
What way, do you want your life to really go?
Tune out and tune in.
You can ground your reality - if you would only realise that any doubts, are simply not yours, they are outside influences from many different sources.
But you - dear precious Soul - know, deep down and in such a grounded deep solidarity of self feeling - you know, what to do.
Follow that path - that is not yet on the planet yet.
That... is what you are here to do.
THAT is why the Earth is shifting from beneath you and awaiting which way to land - for you to say FULLY YES and let THAT, without any outside influence, ground into your reality and turn up, just like you've always envisioned it to be - no matter what is going on in the world.
You are the sole creator of your reality after all remember.
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. Life Purpose Accelerator doors close next week! Now is not the time to doubt yourself, now is the time to accelerate the reason you are here - there is a reason you have walked through the darkest of pasts - this, is a deep gift of what you are here to transform, there is deep reason, even though it might feel at a complete loss right now to why.
Yet, you know, there is something calling you and you HAVE to move forward, you know that your Soul calls you and there is just... no other way.
Click here, as this is the final week for Life Purpose Accelerator, the Inner Circle for Ancient Blooded Healers:
P.P.S. The Integration of the Light and the Dark - gives you the full power of all the aspects of consciousness playing out on the planet right now.
When you understand them inside out - they have no control over you. You are conscious of them. You play with them. You know they are not you. You become SOVEREIGN and nothing affects you.
And THAT is what the world needs right now, let alone, how you can contribute to the shifting and rising of Awakening the Consciousness of Humanity.
THIS is how you acutely amplify your intuition - and right now, THAT is where you take back your power in this crazy ass world shifting chaotic change that we are going through right now. Click here for all the details - we start next week:
P.P.P.S. Final days for my 21 Day Shifter Program too! If you are not ready for Life Purpose Accelerator, this is for you, click here for all the details: