Things you can do, to stay out of fear and in TRUST

energy awareness reality awareness Mar 11, 2020
Things you can do, to stay out of fear and in TRUST which is... your SUPER POWER:
~ Turn off all media that mentions anything bad happening in the world. You can ask your Angels to be shown what you need to be shown through other means. I haven't watched the news since 2005 and my Angels always tell me what I need to know when I need to know it. You can filter your social media feed to only see in your feed the posts you enjoy and that keep you on track - not what you don't like or pull you off track.
~ Take a break from anything that brings your Soul down and do what brings you Heart alive instead. Oh, you've forgotten what that feels like? Time to remember who you are then hey?
~ Remove stress from your life. Your immune system depletes from stress, worry and you guessed it - fear. Your immune system thrives by happiness, joy and doing what brings your Heart alive. Your immune system is not protected by hand washing. Your immune system is protected by your JOY. oooh, probably going to get in trouble for that one!
~ What is your mind focusing on? Where is your attention? Oh, you got sucked back into the news again? The collective energy that is on every radio station, news station, shopping centre right now? YEP - distractions are HIGH. THIS is your opportunity to amplify your power of FOCUS and discipline to get your Soul's Purpose work done. NOT what the rest of the world is doing. The closer we are to a breakthrough, the higher and stronger the distractions are. Be stronger, be disciplined. Stay Focused on the solution.
~ Think you are stuck? There is always a solution - but the collective fear is strong right now. Stop doing things that increase your stress levels, include eating foods and beverages or engage in behaviours that increase your nervous system to fried levels. The Light frequencies that are amplifying on the planet let alone all the fear, does this enough already. Be stronger - meaning - be calmer - support your body, mind and soul rather than the discord that comes from fuelling your system with things you know that make it worse.
~ Yoga, Breath work, Meditation, Body Movement - and many other tools, increase your calm vibration and allow you to stay connected and in TRUST.
~ You have a choice to believe what you see, or you can tune into the truth of your Heart - because your Heart, always knows what is the right thing for you to do. If you're freaking out, don't. If you're judging others don't. This is what they want.
Just. Do. You.
Stay focused on the solution.
I'll say it again, distractions amplify when you are about to breakthrough - that goes for the entire world as a whole too.
Stay Focused.
Breathe deeper, stay grounded and... remember that immunity comes from the inside, not the outside.
And it starts with a happy, trusting, joyful, open, loving Heart.
THAT's your Super power, THAT's your strength.
All the answers... are there...