This time next week our FULL MOON brings to LIGHT our Darkest LIGHT 🌕
Oct 07, 2019
This time next week our FULL MOON brings to LIGHT our Darkest LIGHT 🌕
Our Darkest Light?
In the darkest places there is the capacity for the most light to be held.
It is the darkest and the coldest, right before sunrise, no matter where you are on the globe.
The same goes for the journeys through life.
There are day times, there are spring times, and there are night times and winters of our lives.
When we are closing the chapter of one point in our lives, it may seem like the coldest and darkest point in our life meaning - no hope, no light, no joy, a tonne of sadness and aloneness in your life.
Yet, the sun, is just about to rise, it is about to be Spring again. The sun ALWAYS rises again. We just have to trust that and reach out for support when our winters are upon us.
I am sensing that this Full Moon next week, that I feel we have just walked into the portal of, we are half way there on the way to our Full Moon.
You may find yourself cleaning out, spring cleaning if you may, rearranging and new burst of energy, to begin a new cycle and welcome it with open arms.
The portal of Light is upon us and 2020 is almost here.
We have walked through a dark, heavy and what seemed like full of despair Nov-Dec-Jan '18/'19 and this Aug-Sept-Oct - is the 9 month marking point for this new birthing era. Just like a Mother gestates a baby for 9-10 months, so to do we, Human Collective as we birth a new reality walking into 2020 - the dawning Age of Aquarius, the Light Bringer. A time of new awakening, where in 10 years time, many massive changes will be upon our Earth.
I am sensing that May-June-July next year will also be pivotal turning points, in truly feeling different in your reality in every single aspect. Life is about to be VERY different.
Many closing doors onto the old are occurring right now. Lots of reassessing where you are going, changing direction, making choices that scare you but you know you have to take that leap of faith and enter the portal that is calling your Soul. #itstime
Our Full Moon next week? I feel like you will have made some life changing decisions that will bring you into more alignment with your Soul's Purpose than ever before. It will feel so freeing and so right, but that also might come with some grief about what you have had to let go of this past few months, let alone years, to get you to this point.
It feels like you are putting yourself first and really staying grounded in that, true to yourself more than ever before. TRUSTING yourself more than ever before.
Samhain/Halloween is coming up - the portals are opening, celebrated as a 'time of darkening' moving into the winter in the Northern Hemisphere, the veils can be a lot thinner around this time of year, so be mindful to keep your energetic practises of cleansing clearing, self care and exercise up - the best form of protection is being grounded in your body.
Allow the Light of our Goddess Moon show you where you need to take more Light and where you can rise from the depths into your new career, your new life path, your new - way of being, that feels like will 'come home' and be firmly planted in your energy, mind, awareness and self - a new you is emerging.
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. Full Moon Ceremony, Live Online next week. Calling in the Mystics of the North, the Gnomes of the South and the Earth Goddesses of the West, the call to the Healers of the East and the Above and Below deeply calling into thy well of the Heart into the mission of where you are being called.
I feel like this October Full Moon has deep significance, in 'tying off' the birthing of our new reality shift - that began through the Rising of Atlantis in Nov-Dec-Jan just gone - this is a grounding, a planting and a solidifying of your Psychic Gifts, that... were normal for you in Atlantis and Lumeria - the core origins beyond those places we were before here.
If the Ocean has been calling you lately, or Sea Life from the Ocean, this Full Moon is calling you to pay attention. Are you coming to join us for powerful Ceremony? Click here for all the details to join us: