Toxic Cyclic Karmic Heartbreak 💔
Sep 24, 2022
Toxic Cyclic Karmic Heartbreak 💔
There is so many toxic relationship break ups that leave a huge hole in ones heart. They impact ones sense of well-being… for - ever - if its not dealt with accordingly - meaning, having an Intuitive Healer hold the space of the well of emotions that flood from toxic relationship break ups.
What not many talk about, although becoming more a reality than previous times gone by and only increasing as generations change, is Conscious Relationship Break-Ups. As I said with my client this week, ‘We know and experience, how conscious communication changes the world, heals people and shifts one out of a traumatic state - instantly.’
Words can shift someone in a panic or anxiety attack in a matter of moments.
Words are powerful and can heal and transform a toxic relationship break up in a matter of moments and heal years of trauma in a lifetime. Unfinished conversations, leave gaping holes in the heart, and leave one in a state of flight, fight or freeze and can immobilise someone for years.
This is different to enabling and continuing communication that is past it’s used by date. Whilst a healthy, conscious, grounded conversation held by both parties is ideal, it can heal and bring closure in a matter of moments and both parties can be 'free'.
Is there a conversation you wish you could have? Writing letters that you ceremonially release can be powerful, but so can the actual conversation that is weighing heavy on your heart and when we can't have them, it can be excruciating. This is one aspect of getting through toxic break ups and clearing many past lifetimes of karmic cycle threads that keep you trapped in this cyclic treadmill is one aspect I work with my clients in. If you are not free of the past, you are not free to create your future the way you want.
Instead, you will subconsciously recreate what you don't want, even though you want to be free of it.
Have you ever been stuck in the karmic toxic cyclic treadmill of excruciating heart pain?
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. Send me a message if you need 1:1 healing of these karmic cycles to set you free and find the happiness you secretly long for.