We will subconsciously (Throat Chakra) create our reality until we consciously choose different
Apr 13, 2024
We will subconsciously (Throat Chakra) create our reality until we consciously not only choose differently, but believe ourselves worthy (Solar Plexus) of the reality we dream of. (Double bind belief system lock).
When we are a child, we absorb our environment on all levels and become it.
It is why we will continue to attract relationships and situations that remind us of our childhood. Those days when we ‘wake up’ and realise the intimate partners and life situations are exactly the same as what we experienced growing up. If not identical - similar traits are right in front of our face. #spiritualawakeningpoint #timelinechoicepoint
It is an automatic imprint - a reflection of our subconscious (Throat Chakra) - of all that we absorbed as we were a child.
Shifting, clearing, re-writing and re-programming the subconscious (Throat Chakra) can bring about reality shifts.
However, if we don’t believe ourselves worthy (Solar Plexus) of the life we dream of - it will not occur.
The Solar Plexus is the place where we not only believe ourselves worthy, but has dramatic effects on our self-esteem and feeling empowered or disempowered from what life experiences have taken us through to this point of now.
If you have gone through a traumatic situation, many chakras and parts of your energetic, physical and mental bodies need tending to, given and dependent on what exactly went on for you.
It is possible to heal, re-write and move on, but it is also relational to what you now believe possible for yourself. Then, stepping into creating an entirely new version and reality of for yourself is a complete overhaul and re-write.
When you are younger, it is easier to believe in and make the possibilities of life happen.
Once a few hard life situations and traumas start piling up, it is easy to become paralysed by what has happened and not move again in any way (physically, mentally or believe in yourself again to make your dreams reality), because of where you ended up - is not - what your dreams were supposed to look like.
As you get older and ‘wiser’… it takes courage, to not let time, the past or age stop or define you from making your dreams reality. Not everyone, chooses this level courage to break out of subconscious patterning and conditioning and time and time again, make dreams reality, no matter how much it seems you ‘haven’t got there yet’. Aka don’t give up. Failure, only means, you gave up.
Perhaps you have created a dulled version of your dreams. It is part of it, but not how you wanted it or thought it would be. A shadow version if you may.
Remember - every life experience - shows us what we really want.
We may think we want something - and we create that - but is it what we wanted? Or is it a subconscious creation, to subconsciously re-create circumstances to try and fill the gap and hole of not having your needs met as a child? To try and heal?
You soul is not interested in success, your Soul is interested in growth. The faster you catch, heal and understand the lesson, the faster success is yours.
Reflect on your current reality right now. Is this what you really wanted? If no, what underlying needs are you trying to meet where you are right now? What does, this situation remind you of from your childhood?
To re-create circumstances that are not what we consciously want, but are a subconscious creation that makes us feel safe, simply because it is familiar? And, to unconsciously try to heal these wounds, as your subconscious is always recalibrating back to wholeness.
Yes, even unhealthy abusive situations that we consciously adult self knows are not good for us, but we continually put ourselves in it or wind up in it - will continue to happen until you consciously catch it, drop deep down into what the underlying need is and embody the lesson aka heal then, this wound is not continually playing out.
As we shift the wound, then the re-writing and re-programing also now takes place… do you believe, that you can create that which you are asking for?
Do you truly, deep full body soul yes, feel you are worthy of creating the reality you truly desire?
The love? The finances? The health? To have this stabilised, functional and healthy?
When you work with Throat Chakra Consciousness, you heal the deep subconscious wounds and overall effect that your subconscious is playing out in your life. The Throat Chaka is the doorway between the head and the heart.
I teach the Chakras coming down from the Crown and including the 8th - the Ear Chakras, balancing the imbalanced penetration and infiltration of time that has been distorted for centuries (7 is an uneven number). Ear Chakras - are the Divine Feminine and 8 - brings collective consciousness back into balance. Not the unconscious unevenness and distorted polarity that has been running this realm.
The subconscious tie in to the Solar Plexus and what you deserve to experience in your reality gets to be re-written here, but the wounding of being disempowered by placing yourself in situations that continually repeat the feelings of disempowerment - that wounding must be healed, plus the deep forgiveness of self (Heart Chakra) of what you continue to choose in your unconsciousness of subconsciously trying to heal yourself the best way your inner child knows how to heal - needs to be forgiven within yourself. This is the only true authentic self love you will ever reach. This deep authentic forgiveness of self MUST come first before we can ever find authentic stabilising self love that shifts our internal vibration to a higher frequency to attract the true soul aligned life circumstances, not a subconscious childhood mirror.
I find that forgiveness of self comes easier - when drop into why we continually put ourselves in those situations - to try to meet needs that were never met in childhood - that today, will still never be met, because nothing can heal that within yourself… but you. You as your adult self today. Not your mum. Not your dad. Not surrogate people you’re trying to unconsciously replicate in your life as the mother or father you never had. Nor being the mother or father you never had to your own child. That is an abandonment of self that will only recreate the same feelings, situations, life experiences and probably to a higher degree, to try and wake you up to the fact that… that.. is not how you heal it.
Once you become conscious of it, you can feel immediate shock and infuriating rage and project this onto the people that have helped you the most and closest to you in actually even reaching this level of awakening of self. As you realise what you have done - trusted others intuition over your own intuition, gave them the power and control to make decisions in your life, because you didn’t want to get it wrong again from that paralytic fear of ‘where chasing your dreams ACTUALLY wound you up in your current reality right now’ and… phew.
What a journey hey?
Is my middle name.
Welcome to Reality Awareness.
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. Eyes peeled… Trust Your Intuition doors open this week.
P.P.S. If you’re ready to tap into Your First Million and be conscious of the subconscious creations so you can create Your First Million in your conscious heart led purpose driven business, Your First Million, A Two Week Immersion, starts soon, click here for all the details, you won’t want to miss this if you know you’ve always been born for it: https://www.realityawareness.com/your-first-million
P.P.P.S. My 3 Month Psychic Acceleration and Healing Mentorship is open, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/psychic-acceleration-healing-mentorship
P.P.P.P.S. If you want to go deeper with the Chakra Consciousness - check out my youtube channel Reality Awareness for this months Chakra Consciousness Reading and see which chakra you need to work with for this month.