Jun 07, 2020
It requires you to do what you have to do, not what you want to do, from a Soul aligned place.
It requires you to drop every dead weight out of your life and strip back bare to your Soul.
It requires you release your addictions that are covering up all of your emotions that are blocking your your Highest Self that enables you to LIVE YOUR DESTINY.
It requires you to step up and lead from your Heart, with your powerful illogical mind only being used for disciplinary actions of getting things done.
It requires you push through your fears and leave your comfort zone in all areas of your life.
It requires consistent inner personal development, energetic frequency body shifting and conscious awakening to the evolution of your Highest Self.
It requires you to release all attachments.
It requires you to trust.
It requires you to have a grateful Heart.
It requires you to take financial risks that make no logical sense whatsoever and you doubt every step of the way, but you KNOW you have to do it and you do it anyway because your SOUL knows the way and this is all you follow.
It requires blocking out every negative comment and person from your life and doing it anyway.
It requires you to leave unhealthy and unsupportive relationships.
It requires a constant pivoting to stay aligned to the evolution of your Soul.
It requires a deep, strong connection to your inner self.
It requires you to Shine 🌟
It requires confidence in knowing who you are and what you are on this Earth for.
It requires you to go first.
It requires deep, consistent turning up, creation of your Souls messages and commitment to your life path and only this.
It requires you to take the road less travelled and live outside the normality of society.
It requires you to trust your intuition more than anyone else on the planet.
It requires a constant energetic eye and deep radical responsibility for every single event, creation, person and situation that turns up in your life - (yes honey, stark #realitycheck, nothing happened to you, they didn't do it to you, no one is still doing anything to you - take radical responsibility, reclaim your power and watch your life shift like Magic).
It requires you to believe in Magic.
It requires you to own your Magic.
It requires you to ignite your Magic.
The question is though...
Are you TRULY ready to do that, just like... you say you are?
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. There are many things going on over here at Reality Awareness!
Being out in Faery for 9 weeks, took me to the realms of my deep subconscious and re-wrote my DESTINY!
I cleared out ingrained patterns that were holding me back and uncovered pieces of my Soul I didn't know were there... hence - DESTINY unfolding.
This past 3 weeks here on the South-West Coast of Victoria that is the breeding ground for the Humpback Whales and I didn't even know before I arrived, my Light has been activated and this recalibration that has seen some of the biggest shifts of my entire life be birthed here, there are a just a few things happening at the moment!
$97 Psychic Readings (Extended until 19th June! Then they will be $197 normally). These are 45min Phone Calls audio recorded so you can listen back over as many times as you like. Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/psychicreadingswithhannah
Goal Reacher Program is OPEN now for applications - this is my 3 month Program that helps you reach your goals, no matter what they are or if you're just needing deep support through this time that you just can't seem to find your footing and wondering what is really happening in your life, let alone on Earth, Goal Reacher is a deep supportive program, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/goal-reacher-program
Trust Your Intuition - Become a Certified Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Activator - is OPEN NOW - this is the final time you will see Trust Your Intuition at this investment price. If you know you are here to step up and lead in the world, with your gifts leading the way of who you were born to be, click here for all the details as doors close at the end of the month for Trust Your Intuition: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition
If you want it all and know you need to be in this container that holds ALL of you, let alone the deep 1:1 support from me to shift you and the intuitive insight direct and clear for your life, click here for my Inner Circle, applications close at the end of the month: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator