When $333,333 feels like $33,333….
Mar 24, 2024
When $333,333 feels like $33,333….
When $33,333 feels like $3,333…..
When $3,333 feels like $333…
When $333 feels like $33 - you know you’ve shifted your reality around money…
Your energetic frequency around money is EVERYTHING. The way it physically feels to you is EVERYTHING.
When I first began learning about how to become a millionaire, all I kept hearing was about frequency, energy and consciousness **cue screwed up face trying to figure that out**
Yeah.. and I’ve been doing this energy work for years mate! So show me da moneyyyyyyy!!!!
I was trying to understand what on Earth they meant - I am an energy healer at it’s best… so why wasn’t with a wave of my magic wand, money showing up for me?!
7 years into this journey I became a Millionaire.
I will tell you, there are many moving parts.
I will tell you, there are many long hours, hard work and dedicated consistency of turning up.
There is energetic mindset, deep internal work and there is practical strategy of your unique purpose channeling for the actual moolah landing in your bank.
When you master these *two*, amongst the many moving parts + the recipe of the energetic mixture turning in the cauldron - out pops a divine synchronistic magic wave of the wand that you become along the way…..
Your energetic mastery as an energy healer - you master reality in the most profound way that people wonder how you did it - making purpose made millions, doing what you love that is - all from nothing but your *mind & energy*.....
When any of those amounts of money feel different - you know you’ve shifted your energetic frequency and reality now gets to land, let alone, the next level you’ve mastered.
When you’re ready to master your reality around money, destined for Purpose Made Millions… Life Purpose Legacy is for you.
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. We are less than 24 hours before our Full Moon Ceremony… what a huge time of energy waves it has been… click here to join us to channel this into your Purpose Made Millions and Heal Your Heart to let the love in your Soul truly desires: https://www.realityawareness.com/full-moon-ceremony
P.P.S. Unhook Me starts soon! If you’re ready to shift to your next income bracket and let go of situationships, relationships and environments in your life that are holding you back (or are they?!) - Unhook Me is for you, click here, we start next week: https://www.realityawareness.com/unhook-me
P.P.P.S. Reconfiguring Energetic Codes (REC) begins on the final day of Unhook Me (if you join Unhook Me, you get REC included! This is POTENT over the Eclipse season… I could write a book about the things that have happened to me and shifted me exponentially over the Eclipses… you won’t want to miss this two week Immersion that is Reconfiguring Energetic Codes, click here to join us: https://www.realityawareness.com/reconfiguring-energetic-codes
P.P.P.P.S = OMG the Wildly Wealthy Witches PART 3 is FINALLY happening this coming weekend! I can now see why Part 3 took this long to land… there is going to be GOLD in here that is why! 👀
If you want it ALL.. that's what Life Purpose Legacy is for ❤️