When all feels lost, it isn’t
Apr 06, 2023
When all feels lost, it isn’t. But it definitely feels that way most of the time when you are walking the path of the hardest, most alone feelings in the world.
The reality? Is that the ones who feel most alone, were not protected as a child. They didn’t have anyone standing in front of them protecting them when someone was bullying or abusing them, rather, the caregiver who was supposed to protect them was standing behind the perpetrator supporting them! #ouch.
When you can heal this part of you that was abandoned in your deepest part of the most crucial time of need, you will finally start to feel like you’re not walking up that huge ass mountain that is covered in spiky thorns and you don’t even have any shoes on to get through it so are just stuck halfway up said mountain, you will soon discover, you not only have shoes on, but a pathway of flowers and green fluffy grass opens beneath you, leading you to a path down and around the mountain and you’ll realise you never had to go up that way at all. Meaning, you never had to drag your past with you any further than what you are today. You never have to. The buck stops here. You can heal. And now.
You don’t have to continue talking about it, because you have realised how draining and tiring that is, how you keep re-activating that when you keep talking about. You feel lost for quite some time, because you don’t know what else to talk about and the stark realisation of how much it has and had consumed your life until this moment is gah… heavy to say the least. You put down those backpacks and rocks inside and decide that from this moment forth, you are choosing to heal. You are choosing your future, not your past anymore.
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. You can move forward. You can heal. You can find you again. You can find the next level of your Purpose. Because let’s be real - you used to have all this sooo on point! You used to feel good all the damn time and lately.. you just haven’t. You know there is more. You are ready to give up but you know that isn’t an option. You know there is more to LIFE and you’re RIGHT! LIFE is my 6 Week Private Mentoring to pull you out of the slump and bust through to this new dimension of your LIFE that is calling you forth beyond what you’ve ever experienced before. You can feel it in your bones… but it so unclear at the same time. LIFE is closing next week and calling you to come back to LIFE, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life