how to trust your intuition past lives Apr 28, 2019


All weekend I have felt off. Something just wasn't right. Or, I just couldn't place it. And it actually started Friday morning for me, I woke up feeling off. But it was a different... 'off'. Doing all my usual things and just being aware of it, Friday was a huge day for me doing, what I love of course. 

That night I got a text from my ex. Gah. No wonder I was feeling shit all day. #ignored

I knew Saturday would be a restish day, recouping my energy and spending time with Adaya - and I still felt off. I just was being with it, doing my normal energy clearing and tracing things, but just off. I knew I was tired from a huge day the day before, a huge week and huge weeks prior to this. I was being gentle, kind to myself and was looking forward to sleep. 

This morning. Still. Off. 

I laid in bed, not needing to get up for anything in particular, I lay there. And rest. And the tears began to flow. 

There has been HUGE changes in my life ESPECIALLY in the past 5 months. I am still pinching myself at times... I walking around at times, reminding myself - Hannah - this is actually the reality you've been journalling about! 

Since I began online almost 3 years ago now, I have been journalling almost every single day (99.9% of those 3 years!) and turning up and doing the work ON ALL LEVELS. ALL LEVELS. The inner, the outer and so much more. 

Those tears this morning, came from the huge dramatic shifts that have been occurring in this past 5 months. This past 5 months has been all that journalling and inner work - coming into physical manifestation. 

I knew, that it would all happen rapidly when it began.. and it is... HOLD ON! Rather... KEEP LETTING GO!!!!!!

The more I let go, the more I align.. 

The more I let go, the more I flow.. 

I knew those tears this morning AND on the beach today were releasing tears... of things I thought would be there forever... no more. 

And then today, MORE ex's contacting me - OKAY TIME TO CLEAR THE THREADS!! 

You know when you're upleveling - when everyone you've ever known feels it through the ethers and reaches out - BECAUSE YOU'RE LETTING THEM GO FURTHER - BECAUSE YOU'RE ENERGETICALLY MOVING FURTHER AWAY FROM THEM! 

I saw this meme on Instagram... 'You know you've grown when your ex is no longer your type.' #savedmeme 

YEP! THAT ONE πŸ‘†πŸ»πŸ‘†πŸ»πŸ‘†πŸ»

There must be something in the air, because I saw others experiencing similar old threads surfacing. 

SNIP. CUT. RELEASE! πŸ•ŠπŸ•ŠπŸ•Š#thenpastlifework&shadowworkforgoodmeasure 


You know when you've upleveled and energetically shifted when you've spoken your truth and lost 50-100 followers in a week... 

You know you've upleveled and energetically shifted when you have every ex you've ever known contact you out of the blue... 

You know you've upleveled and energetically shifted when you can’t allow what was once, to be here in your face anymore...

SNIP. CUT. RELEASE! πŸ•ŠπŸ•ŠπŸ•Š#thenpastlifework&shadowworkforgoodmeasure 

As soon as I got the text messages... I was relieved - BECAUSE I had clarity on where it was coming from! BOOM - INSTANT clearing - THANK YOU! 


Now, back to those strong boundaries and upleveling. Because that.. is my life. 

There was a part of me that laid there this morning knowing how fast I shift and how much and how many people shift out of my life because of how fast I CONTINUE to shift and always will, that - are there others that shift just as fast as me? Yes. I know it. And, I can feel my entire field shifting.

I have just experienced the hugest shifts of my life in the past 5 months and what I have coming up in May? Gosh - what I KNOW and have planned is huge - what Spirit has planned for me? Even huger! 

I choose to shift, I choose to FLY πŸ•ŠπŸ¦…πŸ•Š

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen πŸ‘‘

P.S. If you want the tools to shift your reality and fast, Trust Your Intuition is where you will find all of these. From karmic thread releasing, to generational lineage that comes from not your lineage in this lifetime, but from all before, to healing the core wounds that keep you on that same treadmill, to moving at rapid speed like our Earth is - are you choosing - to keep up? To... FLY? Click here for all the details before the investment for this increases: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition