Aug 16, 2023
The thing with emotions - is when they seem stuck? What you need to do with them? Is just be present with them and that can be really quite uncomfortable at times.
When you are present with them - what this is doing - is actually moving them.
The times when they seem the most stuck - is the times they are actually moving the most. Sounds…. contradictory right? Yet - when you really think about it - they are all energy underneath, everything is atoms at it’s core and it is constantly moving.
What feels stuck, is just you feeling uncomfortableness with being present with the really hard feelings, the really uncomfortable feelings - stay with it. Stay present with whatever you are feeling, no matter how uncomfortable.
Remember, 'numb' and 'feeling nothing' - are also feelings.
It is easy to distract yourself, to grab that piece of chocolate, to grab that next thing to fill you up, to start scrolling Facebook, turning on netflix, cleaning your home when you know you should be doing something else or just agitated and it needs to be done 'now!'.
Yet - if you can just be present with what is - even witness the need and pull to want to do the distraction things, just notice it, be the observer yes? Let it pass, watch it, be the witness - feel it. You're not being the stoic observer - you're feeling it consciously. With utmost presence.
What you are doing is:
#1. Training yourself to be present with uncomfortable emotions
#2. You are shifting the uncomfortable emotions!
Because you are being with them. Because that moment you want to walk away, to distract yourself - is actually the point it will shift… It is the space where you either run from them - or you stay present with them - and when you stay present with them? It MOVES.
Energy - Emotion - Energy IN Motion - it is always moving… It just depends if you are staying present with it… When you distract yourself from it, you move away from your Heart, you… disconnect if you may…you push that feeling down again when you were just about to have the breakthrough!
Those big uncomfortable feelings - if you don’t love them - who will?
Yes - most times, you need someone, just even once - to show you it is okay to feel these uncomfortable emotions and even just be present with you, with the feelings, just once, to show you… you are safe and it is okay, to FEEL. I am here - telling you it's okay, that you CAN.
When you FEEL you CONNECT and when you CONNECT, you feel calm again, you feel LOVE again… Because you have FELT the depths of your own HEART.
Which is the ONLY thing you are wanting from someone else… is to FEEL that Love. Yet, it all starts from feeling those big uncomfortable emotions within yourself. Because once you start feeling them? Once you start feeling?
They become less and less scary to feel… And you start to understand the cyclic nature of your Heart, that is just… The natural flow of life. And when you can support yourself with your big uncomfortable emotions, every time they come around, and around - because they will.. because you are human and that is what you are here for - to feel…
You learn ways to support yourself, to nourish yourself, to gentle be with your emotions… and the more you do this, the faster your emotions shift, because you know how to feel them and this gentleness, this feeling of what is… KEEPS YOU CONNECTED…
You learn to stay connected to ALL the feelings… And this? Oh… This space, is sooooo powerful.
Sounds like a powerful, blissful place to me! The ultimate goal and imperative goal to stay on track in your life.
To be the observer of your emotions - to feel them, the power of them and know how to support yourself, to channel them and ride the cyclic waves of your own Heart?
Hello powerful Heart Centred Earth Angel, Ancient Blooded Healer, Life Purpose Activator!!!
Why? Because when you stay connected to your own HEART? Well - it is where they say - Follow Your Heart right?
Once, you learn to ride your emotional waves - TRUSTING your heart becomes second nature - you don’t even question it anymore.
Hello Life Purpose is Born.
That is, what you are here seeking right?
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen
P.S. You awaken, you heal and you find your Life Purpose. That is what is happening when you go through a Spiritual Awaken and there are MANY Souls awakening on the planet right now and you, are a Leader of this Lightfilled way or you just would not be here drawn to truly hearing and listening to your heart's feelings, because it is leading the way, showing you what you've always known and been born for. Click here for all the details for Heart Chakra Consciousness, our 12 Week Journey, for we start next week, heart leading you all the way home, opening the doorway to your Soul and living the life, you've always imagined: https://www.realityawareness.com/heart-chakra-consciousness-journey
P.P.S. Intuitive Channel is LIVE! I am loving sharing in depth Psychic Messages and Intuitively Channeled Divine Inspirations for you daily! To keep you on track, know you're not alone and deeply inspired to live the life you imagined and most importantly not give up when it gets hard - Intuitive Channel is like having a private daily text message from me in your pocket to open your heart, trust your intuition and chase your dreams, click here for all the details, doors are open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/intuitive-channel
P.P.P.S. If you're activation is next level, if Lion's Gate called your Soul, if you know you're here to make great impact on this planet with your Purpose, your Mission and your Soul's calling, Medicine Woman is for you and doors are open now, click here for all the details or send me a message to chat about your place in this sacred space: https://www.realityawareness.com/medicine-woman