how to find your life purpose Oct 18, 2024


Just because it hasn’t happened… doesn’t mean that it isn’t going to happen… 

Just means that it hasn’t happened YET. 

But you know. 

Phew, do you know. 

You’ve always fucking known. 

You’re here to change the world. 

You’re way ahead of your time - always have been. Being called crazy is your middle name. 

And you’ve distanced yourself from those people - well, actually, they stopped talking to you - when you became successful (for me it was after 2.5 years online of showing up everyday that I then made $100k in 5 months and suddenly all those doubters, naysayers and nasty people trying to talk me out of my dreams suddenly disappeared. Funny thing is I find out that they are secretly doing this work like me now haha. Oh how things shift. Of course they fucking are). 

You’re here to impact the world - change it - completely. 

You’re Gifted as fuck and even though you might not be ‘out’ about it - you can feel the pull getting and growing stronger and stronger… 

Our Earth is shifting - our consciousness - awakening. 

The 100th Monkey is real. 

And this is your confirmation of your sign - to get READY. 

You have a mission. 

A Purpose. 


You’re a Leader. 

A Healer. 

And You’re Destined to Change the World. 

If you’ve experienced ‘The 2024 Black Line’ this year - where you have gone through the darkest of days, not knowing if you were going to shift through this - you’re going to want to get into gear and get ready. 

Your Destiny is here. 

You’re awakening to a whole new level. 

You have felt it bubbling from the surface and you can’t suppress it anymore. 

You’re being called to break out of your shell, out of your comfort zone, train in areas that you’ve been scared to or put off before in the past - until now. 

You can’t ignore the call, your Soul has spoken and the time has been shown to you. 

In our Full Moon Ceremony (where I have never experienced soo many technical glitches in my entire 8 years of being online - we KNEW something HUGE was INCOMING ☄️) We finally got it working and channeling and one of the strong messages was that between now and Christmas time you’re going to receive sooo many downloads about your Purpose - pay attention - your Soul is speaking. 

We have entered a new paradigm and the next 2 years of this Solar Maximum is not only going to reek havoc on our body, mind and soul - but the acceleration of rapid consciousness is next level - you’re being asked to be prepared, to stop putting off what your Soul is calling you to do. It is now or never for you to fully commit to your Destiny. 

The Comet in our skies - I literally said to my beautiful client and student this morning when she shared what she was seeing privately with me, my response is that ‘the end times are coming - the next 2 years are going to see the most dramatic change in the world that we’ve ever seen. Whether the poles will shift or not - is relevant to the fact that CONSCIOUSNESS is flipping. You cannot bury the truth forever and the Sun’s power in accelerating consciousness - as Doreen Virtue coined many years ago: 

‘It’s not the end of the world - it’s the end of the current consciousness of the world.’

When consciousness awakens, humans are not asleep anymore - the dream state has been burst.

When you look at Inception - the layers of the dream state worlds make sense. At the deepest levels of dream state ‘5 mins in the higher worlds equals 100 years in the deepest levels and you can die down there’ - sounds familiar right? 

When you look at Interstellar and they don’t age ‘out there’ but 100 years later…#same 

When you look at the ‘crumbling’ and the Mud Floods and Buried Buildings of Tartaria surfacing around our world/realm - you can see that the buried subconscious is surfacing, it is awakening - and shifting with current ‘mud floods’ and hurricanes and weather events changing the topography of the land as we speak. 

It is consciousness awakening. 

Society as we know it is shifting. 

Reality as we know it is shifting. 

We are waking up - from the dream state - that means buried consciousness is surfacing and that.. is reflected in our reality physically. (or is it?!)

Many, many of us have done consistent deep healing work for years and now the 100th Money is flying in and accelerating that.

People who were asleep are not anymore and YOU are a Leader… to guide the ‘lost and forsaken home’ - to their Purpose, to their Life, to the Changes coming, to the changes already here and provide the direction that they seek. Let’s be real.. you already have people come to you and those… are signs to up your game and train. 

The next two years are about to get real. 

You thought 2020-2024 was full on - hold onto your hats, because we are about to accelerate that tend fold. 

You’ve already decided to live, work, learn and play through joy - not pain anymore and that is why you’ve been through the wringer the last few years and this year was the icing on the cake and yet, at the same time, you’re feeling the most positive, clear in direction and focused you’ve been in YEARS… even in the chaos, you do… know what you need to do. 

Now it is just grounding in and.. doing it. 

It just… hasn’t happened YET. 

You’re here to change the world. 

So act like it. 

Better still, live it. 

In this realm where time doesn’t exist and is relate and not relative all at the same time… time… IS of the essence right now and you’re being CALLED. 

The question is, are you listening? 

Paying attention? 

The signs… are real. 

Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

P.S. It's time to use your Gift, for the Gift it is, not the curse, you always thought it was. It's time for you to do what you came to Earth to Be - Your Life Purpose. The Life Purpose Accelerator takes your current situation and Accelerates you into your Life Purpose. 

Tools and techniques on how to transform your current business and increase how you serve your clients and students with supporting them in their spiritual gifts - how do you even introduce it to them without looking or sounding woo woo? The Life Purpose Accelerator is for you. Click here for all the details, doors are open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator