Why do I always get the same message when I do a card reading for myself?

how to trust your intuition psychic reading psychic readings reality awareness Feb 09, 2020

Why do I always get the same message when I do a card reading for myself? 🔮

Is a very common question I get asked A LOT! 

This has a very simple answer, that sometimes not many want to 'face' - however, there is also two answers to this at the same time. 

First one is that when we receive intuition whether from and for ourselves, from a psychic, or from our own card deck that we pull ourself (or some other way, there are so many ways we receive our intuition!) - unless we actually ACTION that intuition on what we are being guided to do and those particular messages - we will keep hearing the same message over and over. 

We may get tired of hearing the same messages, already know the answer that the same old cards are going to come out of the deck or the same messages and so we walk away from our cards, shut it all away and close the door on it. 

However. Those messages - are still waiting for you when you come back to them! 

The same messages. 

So why is that? 

Are you not wanting to face the truth of the reality you are in - but you don't know what to do or how to change it? Or you don't know what the message is even? 

Sometimes it takes time to understand what the messages is really trying to portray to us. 

And sometimes, it is just plain old reality that we just don't want to face and deal with. 

This isn't that you are bad for not listening to your intuition or you are wrong or that something is wrong with you because you don't.

Everything is a process, life is process. 

Trust the timing of your life and know that all the messages are coming to you for a reason, at the right time. 

The other message here is that when you pull the same card all the time - it is also confirmation of WHO YOU ARE. It is confirmation you are on the right path - that you are clear about what is going on right now. 

Are you doubting the person you are becoming? 

Are you SURE this is your Life Purpose when things don't seem to be going right, something is off, yet you can't place your finger on it? 

Like this card that I 'just happened to pull' (#ofcourse) for the photo on this post - I remember last year, being so deep in my business and purpose and yet, something was off. 

I kept pulling cards, because I didn't know what was going on and 'It's time to leave this unhealthy situation' kept coming up. 

I was like what? Stop all this Psychic stuff?? And then I would continually pull 'This is Your Life's Purpose' and of course that is a confusing message to get those two. 

For months this went on that saw me in a depression like state for quite some time - when eventually it dawned on me and happened that it was a relationship I was needing to leave - THAT was the unhealthy situation. 

When the break away from that happened, I felt lighter, I had more energy again - I felt ME again, my business started THRIVING again - not just increasing but THRIVING and I was like, 'Woah, how did I not see that!?' - And yet, it took me a bit of time to understand what the messages of the cards were talking about. 

Reading cards (or any tool that amplifies reading intuition) - takes practise! 

The more we do it, the better we get. 

You have to remember - that cards - or ANY item you read (you can read ANYTHING - even the bed sheet in a certain position all crunkled up, not sure why that example came through 🤷🏻‍♀️) is ONLY reflecting you or the person you are reading's energy. 

Change their energy or do internal work to change your internal state - and the cards or the item you are using - will reflect that. 

So, it becomes quite simple. 

Do the inner work and change your internal state and the cards will show you a different reading, reflecting your current internal state of energy. 

The other part to remember is that Oracle Cards, Tarot Cards - whatever cards you are using, are just TOOLS to AMPLIFY your intuition. 

If you feel like you solely rely on your cards, putting them away for a time - is healthy! Let your intuition be your guide, not something outside of yourself. 

You probably do a reading and are like, 'Well, I already knew that' right? Because - deep down inside you already DO KNOW! 

There is also the times you get shitty at your cards and put them all away and lock the cupboard out of frustration because you are not understanding the message or not liking the card reading you draw because you are - NOT LISTENING TO YOUR INTUITION! 

Then you pull 50 cards and get confused and think this shit doesn't work! Or maybe not quite... 

And then there are the times you go to 50 different psychics and ask everyone else what you should do - when you DON'T WANT TO FACE THE REALITY OF WHAT YOU INTUITION IS GUIDING YOU TO DO!

Okay, maybe 50 is exaggerating but you get the point right? 

Remember, when you are frustrated at the cards and asking everyone else for their advice or telling them your problems and you feel like no one is hearing you - it is because you're: 


They may be super uncomfortable things... huge, life changing things like: 

  • leaving that unhealthy relationship you know deep down you've been avoiding 
  • making life changes in your current living situation that you cannot see 'how' it is going to work out 
  • changing your diet - but actually actioning that
  • leaving that job to work solely on your purpose work 
  • leaving a comfortable situation and being deeply uncomfortable for a time
  • taking that huge leap of faith when you just don't see how it can happen but you jump anyway (and the Universe catches you!) 

Of course, there are many more things it could be about. 

Remember - if you are frustrated that no one is listening or supporting you - it is because you are not listening to your own intuition, which is your biggest supporter, but you are ignoring it. 

Or you are very aware of the huge changes you have to make, but know it isn't the right time, but are deeply working on it. 

Or it is confirmation of what you are doing and you need to have faith and trust in yourself - every step of the way. 

Would like me to teach you how to read your Oracle Cards like a pro? Comment with a ❤️🔮 below if you do! 

You already know the answers... your intuition is just being reflected in the cards. 

So, what is your intuition, trying to tell you? 

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

P.S. This is the FINAL WEEK for Your Personal Intuitive Healer - applications close this coming Friday (AEST). Send me a message if you know that:

~ Ascension Upgrades and Support Energetic Realignment, Activations and System Overhauls

~ 6 x 1:1 Immersion Intuitive Healing & Coaching Days over the 6 months

~ Unlimited WhatsApp and Phone Call Support In Between the Immersion Days

~ Past Life Trauma Release

~ Past Life Reclaiming and Soul Retrieval

~ Akashic Record Reactivations

~ Crystal Healing & Activations

~ Energetic and Physical Grid work on Home, Land, Body and Life

~ Releasing Curses, Hexes, Spells that are affecting your entire life - especially when one area seems way off kilter or something major is going on and come somewhat 'out of the blue', especially when you are stepping up in an area of your life

~ Deep dive into and through sub-consciously trauma releasing from this lifetime and previous life times

~ Healing through losing a loved one via death, support with the entire process of someone who is passing over to the other side

~ Healing through relationship break up when you just can't seem to get on with it at all or feel guilty for leaving and wondering if you did the right thing

~ Are going through things that feel like death or walk onto property that you just don't know how to shift this alone

~ Are just at a complete loss for what your next step is, tired and exhausted of feeling so much all the time, are needing support in your Spiritual Awakening and feels like your entire life is falling apart and at complete crossroads

~ Feeling so lost and why you can't seem to find your Life Purpose, even if you are living a 'good' life, something just feels missing and you hide your depression behind that mask so well

~ Ready to activate your Psychic, Higher and Sixth Senses, your Deep Mystic Side, your High Priestess in a Highly Attuned, Accurate and #onpoint way to support your life like deep magic that no one knows anything about but asks you what you've been doing differently! Time to deeply walk as the Ancient Blooded Healer you are.

~ Personalised Intuitive & Psychic Training

~ Personalised Advanced Psychic & Intuitive Skills Training & Activations

~ Psychic Readings & Training

Is what DEEPLY calls your Soul.

Are ready for powerful in person healing, upgrades, activations and energetic shifts that you just can't get online? 💻

Your own Personal Spiritual Advisor that amplifies your Own Unique Gifts? 🔥

Send me a message for more details about Your Personal Intuitive Healer, as applications close next Friday (AEST) and only for the Soul’s that this lights up their Heart with resonance of knowing that this, is the one for you ❤️

Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑