Why manifest your dream life?

how to find your life purpose how to trust your intuition Jun 07, 2024

Why manifest your dream life? Why manifest and create your dream life when the world is falling into chaos?

The world will always have an aspect of falling into chaos and so will your life. Change is the only constant. When one part of your life is falling apart, letting go is happening, an old identity is shifting - and yet this happens all the time without you even being conscious of it - unless you are. For example, everyday you get a day older. You can biologically get younger if you are taking the correct action daily to make that happen. And that - applies to anything.

Why manifest your dream life?

First - you must clarify what your dream life even is?

It could be some incredible adventure across and around the world living location free and doing what you love.

It could be owning your own home doing what you love and snuggling up with the love of your life each night in bed (or creating your dreams together).

It could be living in overflow so you don't have to worry about how things will be paid, but know that your investments are growing and you’ve got more than enough every single day to be out of surviving and into thriving thus giving way to a whole new existence to what life is about and not just living life on your terms but the depth of your Life Purpose has the space to fully come online.

The first step, is knowing who you are.

Who are you?

Who are you as a person?

Who are you as (fill in your name)?

And who are you - without all that you are and have around you to date?

If everything was stripped back to bare bone, who are you without your stuff? Without your labels?

It could be physical material things sure - if everything was stripped back, who are you really?

But it could be your illness or trauma that - who are you without that?

Who are you without the stories?

Cue - nothingggggggggg.


Cue - A clear slate……

Cue - the beginning of a new story, a new identity, a new life.

So, who are you (fill in your name?)

What happens when life ends? What happens when an old story ends? What happens when you are no longer unwell, when your trauma is healed and you overcame your adversities?

Who are you now? Who do you get to be? Who do you want to be? Who are you now?

Now, is all that matters and you have another moment - every moment to choose a version of you that is attuned to a frequency in a timeline and a realm that already exists.

You know it exists because you are thinking about it and thinking is the portal of consciousness that allows new worlds to exist, it is the funnel, the channel, the gateway. 

You wouldn’t be thinking about the new version of you with all your things - if on another timeline it did not exist for you.

And you, have the power, in this moment, to choose this and step into this - to become it.

But only your can choose it. Only these glass slippers are made for you and they are awaiting you to choose them, become them and live them - now.

What would you do now, today, if you were already this person that has chosen and stepped onto this clean slate pathway and moved into a place of alignment, letting go of anything and everything that you’ve been holding onto that has been keeping you in a holding pattern - the place beyond that - where are you now?

Are you ready for this? The internal game that holds the power in the true creational vortex of manifesting your reality into existence? Are you, living it? 

Did you choose it?

Start here.



Who are you?

Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

P.S. Master Manifestor Early Bird investment increases next week, the frequency shift, the vibrational transformation, the connection and sacred vortex of your internal land rippling and shifting to your external to make manifest of the sacred alchemic process that creates that which you desire, that you know you are born for, that you’re ready to say YES to. If you believe and deep soul heartedly know, that you’re the one that creates your reality, then Master Manifestor is for you, click here for all the details, before this investment increases: https://www.realityawareness.com/master-manifestor

P.P.S. After the 28th July 2024, I won’t be taking on any new clients. That includes psychic readings, my long term programs and client immersion healing & acceleration days. If you know  want to work with me and step into the vortex that allows for a potent force of energy to accelerate your life purpose and live the life you know you’re meant to live, then message me for what is going to be best for you. All my courses, meditations and free content, remains the same x 

P.P.P.S. Sooooo excited for my Book Signing and Meet the Author tomorrow at Eumundi, from 9am-12midday Berkelouw Books Eumundi, Queensland, Australia. Come and spend the morning and enjoy Eumundi Markets - Australia’s largest and best artisan markets - Berkelouw Books is right across the road, browse their ancient (my fav!) And modern books and I will meet you there 😍