how to find your life purpose how to trust your intuition Jul 17, 2024


It's a projection of their own inner turmoil—the masculine/father wounding. They yell at others like their core wounding from being rejected, abandoned, or ignored, having lost the stability of their own core. Masculine energy is that which 'holds up society and reality' and is distorted and abused, often deliberately, to keep humans controlled.

This can happen at any age but is most common between 35-44. This period is a dismantling of reality for the human brain. Everything they've learned crumbles. Life collapses—emotionally, mentally, spiritually, or physically—through divorce, relationship upheaval, business distress, or other crises.

This collapse is meant to happen at this age, though we are not taught this. Everyone's heard of the 'midlife crisis' at 40. Technically, at 42, we are 'reborn.' We hit the same timeline birthing point as when we were born and in the first three years of life - hence learning reality for the first time and all over again and this 'current' age.

If someone doesn't know how to 'hold the collapse,' if they lack the awareness or strength to face it, they seek a saviour to replace the broken fantasy bond from father/masculine trauma. This is why finding solace in a saviour is so appealing when one's world is falling apart.

However, by doing so, they miss the opportunity for transfiguration and transmutation of societal constructs. Their demons are projected onto reality instead of being integrated and transformed into gifts. This transformation from darkness (unconsciousness) to light (consciousness) leads to a purpose-driven, soul-aligned life of SELF, rather than another construct of 3D reality based on a figure from a book written from someone's perspective to control society - another outside projection of simply trying to make sense of the world we live in that has been distorted in truth since the dawning of the infiltration.

They don't trust themselves, leading them to speak poorly about their past because shame from self-rejection swallows them. This originates from deep masculine wounding, creating a need for an external saviour to make everything right, when the light is required within.

They swallow someone else’s truth (Throat Chakra Consciousness). If a person doesn’t trust themselves, they will again swallow another reality to try and understand societal and generational disintegration. What else is there? When you drop below your Throat (Chakra), there is your Heart. At first, it feels foreign and a big black hole of nothingness.

The heart is scary because society and generational lineage teach us disconnection from it. People fear feeling deeply, fully, and opening to its depths because it involves a death of all known societal constructs.

Most aren't ready for the consciousness level beyond societal constructs, the Heart Chakra Consciousness, which dissolves all societal constructs, wounding, and greatness. At the Heart, there is Oneness and truth felt deeply, causing resistance because dismantling pain that builds barriers is frightening. Hence, society destroys each other, stuck in Throat Chakra Consciousness—protecting darkness, not integrating truths, but shouting regurgitated stories believed outside of themselves.

Humans need something to latch onto. It takes immense internal solidarity, deep healing, and journeying to be comfortable alone and navigate Ahrimanic darkness rather than just Luciferic light—projections from someone else's interpretation of a book missing truths to keep humans controlled.

Humans are waking up. Consciousness awakening cannot be stopped or truth buried forever. True integration of shadows (Throat Chakra Consciousness) occurs as many have done for years, connecting to source and healing the soul from societal disconnection ingrained through 20 years of schooling. The Throat Chakra Consciousness, where dark and light polarity lives, bridges heart and mind. Shadows of humanity are swallowed as other’s truths, layered over the heart, making it feel empty. Only standing up to one's own truths fulfils the heart, the self of the Soul incarnated in this human body.

Society trains disconnection from one's own truths, but not for much longer. Humans are rising, awakening, and getting stronger. Distorted consciousness unravels rapidly, making everyone feel weird, but normal for those traversing these realms for years. We lead the way for people to connect to their Soul and own truth. Nothing outside humans sustains. Change is constant, awakening to new consciousness levels within the soul as the unconscious becomes conscious, connecting all life—no separation.

When you drop into your heart, a power so great reminds you how deeply you ARE LOVE. Feeling this I AM LOVE dismantles and disintegrates everything. The scramble to cling to something outside yourself to avoid feeling the greatest love on Earth is real. But when distortion dissipates, and you're left in endless darkness, you eventually drop through to the light. This surrender level moves you from Throat to Heart Chakra, where Spirit connects to your Soul and Human self. Head and heart integration makes you whole, changing your worldview as you become one with all. Present. Grounded. Clear. Powerful.

Desires that were once so important to you, dissipate. Detachment becomes so distinct and tangible, you wonder about whether you're still living as the level of detachment is real. Heart-centered focus transforms speech, making it felt by all - your voice returns. Your power returns. The truth and power withheld from humans no longer has a hold. We reunite, and Earth shifts.

It's happening.

No one is better than another.

The Unified Whole returns.

True integration of darkness allows a new frequency, shifting reality. This collective spin spiral has accelerated recently, so you may be feeling weird and strange until after Lions Gate on August 8th. Then, everything lands, and we navigate this new frequency and reality moves forward again. 

Do you feel it?

(psst, I have nothing against people following their own truths in what is right to them Christianity or whatnot - but those yelling at others because they are living their lives wrong.... projection is real and it's Throat Chakra Consciousness at it's finest). 

Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

P.S. Traversing reality realms is my forte, and I’ve helped clients with this for the last 8 years. Recently, I created the Life Purpose Activation Kit - tools to navigate multi-dimensional shifts, physical reality changes, or feeling weird and losing your mind. The kit comprehensively covers all you need to navigate this awakening and next level of purpose. Click here for details; I'm excited to offer this now: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-activation-kit

P.P.S. On July 28th, I’ll stop taking new clients for a while. You can secure your spot in the 2025 Personal Psychic Forecast or the 12 Month Mentorship with daily 1:1 contact to accelerate your true mission through the Life Purpose Accelerator. Click here for details:

2025 Personal Psychic Forecast: https://www.realityawareness.com/2025-personal-psychic-forecast

Life Purpose Accelerator: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator