World Prediction of Upcoming Catastrophic ‘Natural Disasters’
Feb 10, 2023
World Prediction of Upcoming Catastrophic ‘Natural Disasters’
On the 5th January 2020 I had a 'download' from my Spirit Guide and predicted the Catastrophic Disaster in Turkey & Syria.
I only remembered this just now, I was just watching Dutchsinse on youtube just now, keeping an eye on things after what has just happened in Turkey and Syria - and he is sharing that on his tracking right now - Turkey is due for ANOTHER decent size Earthquake in a day or few days - NOT aftershocks - but a new one - there is a lot of energy moving under there. He says, "It is additional break that is happening; some kind of plate boundary here is shifting." 😳
It reminded me... I predicted this - on 5th January 2020 - that 'Turkey' would drop into the ocean..... and that a channel will open up under Africa and then in the South Atlantic Ocean, a huge land mass will surface in the ocean there... time will tell, but 3 years later - my intuitive prediction and vision has come true... not all points,'s happening.
On Monday just gone, I almost posted this photo - saying: "Something big is about to happen on Earth, something our planet has not seen in our time." But I held back... I guess I was waiting for more information... well, I just got it.
I am sure now this has opened, more will come through and I will share when it does. I have been 'quiet' on the prediction side of things as nothing has come to me, so I won't share for the sake of it... but when I do, well... it turns out it is true.
Click here to watch Dutchsinse latest video I am referring to at around 6mins in:
Click here to watch my original World Prediction of Upcoming Catastrophic ‘Natural Disasters’ about Turkey, Syria and the South Atlantic Ocean from January 2020:
What are you thoughts about this?