You are always in the right place at the right time, even if it doesnβt seem like it
Jan 04, 2023
You are always in the right place at the right time, even if it doesn’t seem like it, feel like it or you feel lost. These are usually the times you are MORE than in the right place. Of course there are those moments when you SUPER feel in flow and where you are meant to be and then there are times where you are upset more often than not, are doing everything in your power to change it and nothing is moving forward and it is here… that you need to realise - these too - are moments where you are ALSO in the exact right place at the exact right time, more than you will ever know. It is here, that your faith is stretched, you are given more strength than you ever know you could muster up, that you are going through THE biggest initiation of your ENTIRE life and it is sooo important for you to drop into the deep Peace, that you ARE on path, even though most of the time it doesn’t feel like it…
But wait….
You DO feel that…
Deep down, deep, deep down….
You DO feel that Peace…
You KNOW you are in the exact right place at the exact right time ALL the time…
You… are learning a different sort of magic right now…
You…. are learning a different sort of groundedness right now…
You…. are learning to nourish yourself in a way that is way outside what you ever thought could nourish and complete you right now.
YOU are being prepared for the greatest adventure of your life.
YOU are exactly where you are meant to be - right now - especially when it doesn’t feel like it.
There are signs, little itty bitty signs… you will feel in a daze, then all of a sudden, you will get that sign that almost pulls you back into consciousness of this moment right now - of the divine synchronistic flow and realising that even though it all feels a mess, it all feels chaos and you know where you are going but you also don’t…
The Universe has just given you the signs you are.
Finding coins in places you don’t usually find coins (down the side of car door, down the side of a couch, under a couch or bed or cupboard, out on the grass, inside a box that you never put it there)…
Birds randomly crossing your path you almost hit them…
The breeze on your face that makes you stop and consciously feel it…
Someone saying something to you that makes you stop and all time stands still.
The place you feel the most Peace, is where you will manifest the majority of your time. You will end up where you feel most safe, where that feeling exudes from your system - you can even go here in your mind, it is the place where the most power resides. You can draw a lot of strength from this place, even if you don’t realise it - you are.
You’re always in the exact place you need to be, when you feel it and when you don’t feel it.
This is your message, your sign, your… remembering that you ARE indeed, exactly where you are meant to be, right now, in this moment, even though you don’t understand it - you are.
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen π
P.S. Transcendence - transcending the darkness to light, the bad to good and coming to a place of neutrality where your emotional state is balanced, where you are the witness, rather than the unconscious participant, you step into the power of your Being, into the aspect of your Soul that is guiding you, Activating Your True Source Code, the Crystalline Frequency and allowing your Soul’s Life Purpose to manifest on Earth, click here for all the details, we start very soon:
P.P.S. Want to know who your Archangel Spirit Guide is for 2023? Click here to find out:
P.P.P.S. This is the year… for moving forward in leaps and bounds. For grounding your Legacy on Earth, for leaving your mark on this world and rising to your centre stage, in ways you cannot even imagine yet… this.. is your time for… Life Purpose Accelerator. If you know this is your year to be privately mentored for 12 months to truly accelerate your Life Purpose - your unique Soul Coding Blueprint, click here, applications are open now:
P.P.P.P.S. Join us for our first Full Moon Ceremony of 2023, by clicking here: