You have an important Purpose - do you know this?
Dec 30, 2022
You have an important Purpose - do you know this?
You have a reason for being, you are here for something..... big....
Yet, you are not sure quite what that is?
I never did for a long time either... But I knew, deep down, something, wasn't 'right' in the world.... and why do they even do those things, think like that? Can't they see what I am talking about? Nope!
Did I listen to them? For a little bit yes. And I got lost. And confused. And was sad and upset most of the time.
Because. I didn't listen to myself.
I didn't trust myself.
Because, there wasn't many like me.
That sees the bigger picture, that sees what I see.
Until I reached a point where I couldn't deny it anymore.
Where, I reached a point where I had, had enough pain.
And I chose to listen - to me.
And I still doubted myself.
But I did it anyway.
And I created spaces here, that you find me - so that you don't feel this way either.
So that you have connections with people who totally get you.
And you can learn what I did, so that you don't have to go through what I did. So that you can live your Life Purpose, fast tracking you, without the same mistakes I did.
I still copped it from people who didn't understand what I was doing (still don't) and are embarrassed by me (yes, I know it isn't me - don't lose me here, stay with me) for quite a long time. Yet, I rarely speak to them now.
The point is, I have realised, they will never understand what I do.
And have learnt to love them in that.
I don't need them to understand what I do.
I just need to do what I do - because.... I love it.
And own that.
You know, it is never about them right?
And you know, that this is between you and yourself?
And you know, that this thing you have going on, with you and yourself, is meant to be shared with the world?
Your Life Purpose?
You are here for a reason, yet, you don't know entirely what that is.
You have gifts, you have talents, you have passions - yet, there is something else right?
Something you can feel but can't put your finger on.....
Yet, you know you are here for big things...
To change the world and all that.
To leave a positive impact on the planet.
To right the wrongs you see in the world and wake people up at the same time?
Yes. I hear you.
And I speak to you.
Because you are exactly like me - with your unique set of gifts and talents and are here to help change this world.
That is why you are born here.
That is what your Life Purpose is all about.
That is why I created the Life Purpose Accelerator.
And the inner circle of Life Purpose Accelerator are about to awaken something huge.
And it all starts with Self.
If you can't take care of yourself, who will?
If you can't tend to yourself and commit to that - how can you sustain yourself to turn up in service of your Life Purpose and the World?
How can you - do anything, function normally even, if you are tired all the time? Or unwell?
Right. Of course yes?
The doors are now open for Life Purpose Accelerator, the place of Extreme Awakening and acceleration of Purpose.
If you want energy to fulfil your Life's Purpose, let alone awaken what you are here for, then this is for you.
Keep your eyes peeled this week as this opens and if you're ready to do what it takes and not only Awaken Your Life Purpose, but have energy to do what you are meant to do, without getting side tracked and sabotaging yourself all the time, then this is for you.
Remember, you have a unique Life Purpose.
You are here for a reason - you feel it in your bones don't you.
Maybe you've tried a zillion things inside you - and it hasn't worked. So you gave up.
Maybe you know you're meant to be of service, but you don't know how.
Maybe you give and give and get nothing in return, maybe a little bit, but nothing that sustains you long term and this makes you very tired, or ill even.
This has got to change beautiful one!
You are here for big things AND to RECEIVE big things.
And you can't do that, if you aren't in a space of Extreme Awakening in:
Every area of your life is important here. And it is here, we start with Extreme Awakening.
And yes, you can live your Life Purpose, whilst giving to you - releasing the guilt to receive is your first step - do you feel guilty receiving? Start there.
Because you are worth it. Do you believe that even? Start there too.
Are you ready to receive?
Receive on all levels - so you can live the life you really want?
Its time isn't it?
You are here for a reason, and starting with yourself is your first step. You must be clear in your energy, clear in your life, clear in your Reality.
Through this Extreme Awakening - we tap into all realities of living your Life Purpose to the full - with energy to sustain yourself too 😉
What can you do, to take care of YOU today?
What can you do, to love yourself today?
What can you do, to show the Universe - you are ready to receive, no, that you CAN receive?
How do you receive? Comment below and let me know, how you let yourself Receive? And let me know, if you don't know how to receive, or where to start? I want to know 🙂
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. It is up to you.. how your 2023 pans out. It is up to you.. how you become the truest version of yourself, in the highest alignment of the essence of you... in Selfish Service to the Divine, to your Purpose... to you.
My Private 1:1 Life Purpose Accelerator is open for application, click here for all the details or send me a message to talk about it's suitability for you: