Jan 05, 2023
When you’re hanging out in the quantum realm
When you’re holding the line of the frequency of the divine
When you’re deep in surrender but solid in aligned action taking
When your Heart and Soul are at the forefront of all you do
When intuition is what leads every thought and action that you take
Not even thinking about the outcome, just trusting this moment of what expands your heart and following only that
Sometimes it will feel like you’re stuck in a rut - until you start moving again.
Sometimes you will wonder why it took so long - but you know it is perfect timing and all of it couldn’t have happened any sooner if you tried (oh that’s right! You had been!)
You have to remember, that when the quantum leap happens - it is not because of a miracle overnight that shifts it all - it is ALL the work you’ve done the days, weeks, months, YEARS prior.
You have been training your system, your body, your emotional intelligence, you have been diligent in taking aligned action - even when it felt like you were bogged down in mud and it wasn’t getting you anywhere - inch by inch, step by step, moment by moment - you WERE moving forward.
Because honey, you have never taken your eye off the prize - ever.
You have never stopped believing deep down, even though surface you gave up 50 million times x 10, thrown the towel in and walked away over and over and over again.
And yet, you never gave up. Deep down. You never did.
You never stopped believing.
You never even doubted from that deep place.
You only got frustrated when you couldn’t see what your intuition was guiding you to do because it makes no logical sense and even though you walk this path so deeply guided, trusting and in full faith that every step turns up below your feet as your foot touches the ground
The greatest adventure of your life has only just begun.
With both feet on the ground as you walk, deep faith in your now open heart, gratitude oozing out like you haven’t felt before and a smile, so wide people have been asking what has captivated your heart…
Life has.
The Creation of Life has.
You are in full flow when you are Creating.
You are a Creator.
You are an Innovator.
You’re here to tear down the walls that have held Humanity captive and if you are not creating, you fall into this trap.
But you know the get out of jail free card - that is Creation.
That is your Heart.
That is your Smile.
That is the reason you are born - to Create.
To Serve.
To Heal.
To Awaken.
YOU show the way.
The greatest quantum leaps are found in the ‘unexpected’ that one could label as miracle, as shift, as out of the blue - but it was never really THAT unexpected was it now.
It was just that one day, it IS.
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. You can feel your intuitive abilities heightening, you can feel the internal drive awakening, you know you are meant to do more than just know stuff about your intuition, but are not sure precisely what the nudges, the callings, the visions and very vivid dreams mean. That is where Intuitive Mystic is your one place to deeply connect in, tune and allow you to thrive. No more guessing, no more doubting, just pure confidence in trusting your intuition with the acute clarity of knowing what all the pieces are and how it is all connected. Step into your power, Intuitive Mystic is open now, click here for all the details:
P.P.S. We are days away from commencing our Transcendence 6 Week Journey to Activate Your True Source Code and step into your Quantum Leaps of your future, whilst Transcending the very present now, click here to join us on this transformational journey back to your Soul Coding of your unique Life Purpose Blueprint:
P.P.P.S. In less than 48 hours, we will be in Full Moon Ceremony - our first one for 2023, join us by clicking here:
P.P.P.P.S. Final days to get your Archangel Spirit Guide Reading, click here: