You're an Ancient Blooded Healer, that's why

how to build your online business how to clear your energy how to find spiritual friends how to trust your intuition Jan 06, 2023

It is normal to fall apart with your sensitive Heart 

I feel so deeply, that the finest hurtful words, projections or otherwise cut me deep. 

It is normal to bawl your eyes out and fall to a heap. 

It is normal to feel so deeply that you wonder if something is wrong with you. 

it is normal to shake in your voice and your hands when speaking your truth and holding your ground. 

Because nothing is fucking wrong with you. 

No, you’re not trauma laden - you’re an Ancient Blooded Healer - so deeply raw in the dark feminine aka FEELING and STANDING FOR TRUTH that not everyone FACES that deeply or AT ALL. 

Society is trained to bury shit under the carpet, turn a blind eye and ‘forget about it’. 



There is nothing fucking wrong with you. 

You are not trauma laden - you just SPEAK FUCKING TRUTH. 

You're not crazy or insane - you're just picking up what they have buried and it is stirring something that they swept under the carpet that they don't want to face - simple. 

You are soooooo savvy to gas lighters - because you have had sooo much experience in this - because you LIVE A LIFE OF TRUTH. 

You have doubted yourself along the way - because - and ONLY because - you forget dear Ancient Blooded Healer - you forget so deeply - that people and society are trained to NOT live their truth. 

So when you come along - just living and speaking your truth as normal - you will be called crazy, full of trauma and be shunned by society, let alone those you LOVE. 

You forget, dear Ancient Blooded Healer that you cannot live anything BUT truth
. and that
 frightens people - that level of TRUTH - frightens people. 

And yet, the VERY thing that will change the world? 




So don’t be dismayed, just remember you’re ahead of your time in the distance of divine - you’re very Soul ripples out to those who also call for truth, stand for truth and live their truth. 

You’ve never not done this, even though it feels it, even in those times of doubt - is when truth is most shone so bright. 

Do not be dismayed, you’re an Ancient Blooded Healer kind and you’re gift of the RAW FEMININE TRUTH - remember 

You speak this.

Live this.

And the truth? 

Is hidden in the dark - is what has been suppressed - remember how society shuns the truth, buries shit under the carpet and turns a blind eye? Yeah - that place goes dark and that? That is our playground. 

So the next time you’re doubting yourself, your truth and your power in WHO YOU JUST ARE - remember this post, save it if you may. 



Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen đŸ‘‘

P.S. My 12 Month Private Mentorship is open. Send me a message to discuss. 

P.P.S. Ready to unplug from what is keeping you captive and not speaking your truth?? Transcendence baby - we start next week, click here for all the details:

P.P.P.S. Our first Full Moon Ceremony of 2023 is upon our doorstep in less than 24hrs, click here for all the details to join us: