You’re someone who knows they are destined for Purpose Made Millions πŸ’Έ

how to become a millionaire how to build your online business how to find your life purpose how to trust your intuition Mar 29, 2024

You’re someone who knows they are destined for Purpose Made Millions πŸ’Έ

But you can sense that the relationships around you are affecting you 😳

You can FEEL them draining your Soul πŸ₯Ί

They make you want to crawl in a ball and hide away - not come out and shine in the world - like your Purpose work is supposed to! πŸ’Ž

When your Purpose is elevating you to the next iteration of you, making way for you to hit your next income bracket and sustain it - this means the relationships around you WILL change.

This means people you thought would be there forever, may not be anymore.

But HALT!!! You don’t need to leave every single relationship you’ve ever known πŸ™…πŸ»‍♀️

Because the person you face in the mirror everyday is all you need to focus on πŸͺž

When you do, you will find that you may not need to walk away from any of them.

But it was you, birthing this next iteration of you, shedding an old skin, that made you feel like you want to change everything about yourself and your environment πŸ”₯

Understanding the energetics of Purpose Made Millions evolutionary jumps, require discernment to know how to shift, what to leave behind, what comes with you or how they evolve with you is a skill that is acquired by one committed to Purpose Made Millions work.

If you’re committed to Your Purpose Made Millions and are ready for these discernment skills of what to shift and what not to touch - Unhook Me is for you 🧑

We start next week, it's $197, click here for all the details:

Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen πŸ‘‘