You say you want a man who shows up for you...

healing relationships how to trust your intuition legendary love Aug 14, 2024

You say you want a man who shows up for you - but you’re still trying to draft that text message to explain your entire story of emotions to a man who isn’t even present for you. 

The wrong man for you won't listen to what you’re saying (no matter how well crafted you’re articulating that message right now).

The wrong man for you will mimic your emotions, make fun of you, tell you to deal with it and walk away when you’re in mid conversation without even saying a word. 

The wrong man for you will leave you in an emotional upheaval for days - or weeks, making you question your own sanity. 

As a highly intuitive woman, you feel even the slightest of energetic ungroundedness from a man. You feel when he pulls away, you feel when he isn’t present, you feel when something is amiss, that he isn’t being honest. Your anxiety amplifies when you feel this. You have to pick up your shield and be on guard again. You’ve done it before - heck, you’ve always lived in it. You sort shit out, you do your life - no one has been there for you before, nor do you rely on anyone - not because you don't want to, but because no one has been there for you. Soo you just….do life.

But fuck, it’s exhausting. 

Your sensual, divine feminine, doesn’t WANT to be on guard - even though she CAN. 

She wants to be protected. 

She wants to feel safe. 

She wants to feel that deep presence that only a grounded masculine man whose done the work can hold. 

She wants a man to lead and give her a moment of rest where she doesn’t have to plan and think and organise. 

She wants to lean into a man that has her back at all times. 

I’ve been in a relationship that mimicked my energy whilst making fun of it at the same time. **cue my shock and screwed face up at the same time trying to figure out what was happening** I had never been with a man that would prance around like a woman mocking me with this body language and words. It made me not just shut down, but the energetic trust that keeps relationships in tact was broken. Very broken. My shield was picked back up and never put back down. My energy zapped, my glow well but gone out let alone my rivers ran dry. 

In Trust Your Intuition I’ll show you how to know when to drop that shield wall to let the right man in for you without needing to lose yourself, your sanity or your sacred waters that are reserved for the divine passion that your true lover deserves. 

You want the man that won’t let you go to sleep at night without talking it out and resolving it, whilst holding you so close that your body has no choice but to calm.

You want the man, that is dealing with his own business and life, can be dealing with a million and one things at once and yet, you still walk up to him at any moment and bring what is troubling you to him. In that same moment, he creates space to listen to you, presently, ever so grounded and clear and tells you he will sort it out for you - without even flinching. Suddenly it’s like time stands still and everything is right in the world again. You feel normal, calm and you can get on and continue with your day - productively, on Purpose - like your issue never even existed.

In Trust Your Intuition, you’’ll shift the ‘type’ or man you’re attracting - whether in your intimate relationships or business dealings and allow your highly intuitive force be here for your purpose, not the relationship bullshit that’s already wasted so much of your life. 

Your intuition is a gift to the world, you’re here for a purpose and a reason and there is a relationship meant for you to do this purpose work with. If deep down, you’ve always felt this, Trust Your Intuition is for you. Comment Trust below and I will send you the details, early bird doors are open now. 

Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑