how to find your life purpose how to trust your intuition soulmate love Oct 06, 2024


Where purpose obsessed late night work nights are the best date nights. 

And early bed and early to rise dark before dawn for purpose driven lives are soul aligned...

Imagine a relationship where you're both fulfilled the most, in purpose driven lives.

That waiting or compromising isn't even a thing because you both do what you love.. together.. side by side. Like you were made for each other or something. 

The right man will bring warmth to your heart, body, mind and soul, not trigger the cold wounds that have left you to grow mould in the life that you've been through. 

That even when he feels distance between you - instead of triggering more distance, he pulls you closer and stays with you until it dissipates with the part you both value the most - communication. 

Where you both spent years purifying your souls, in preparation and initiation thinking it was for your purpose...

Grieving, crying, isolation, healing, deep friggin healing, not knowing when it was going to end...

But you have always known... your purpose was leading you to your Destiny... that... 

God has a plan... 

A Legacy that changes the world.

Turns out, that Destiny was aligned with another that supports you more than anyone you've ever known. 

The one that no matter what he is doing, you can approach him as he holds steadfast through your emotional tornado of change and calm the waters to make sense of your zillion ideas that change like wildfire and back again to find the path of purposeful direction 'home'. #heaven 

Imagine, being so happy, fulfilled and complete with your life on purpose, that the Universe brings you a direct #match (and you weren't even looking).


I have had my fair share of relationships that have (that I let) pull me off purpose.

That the chemical reaction and biological make up made connection to try and heal subconscious wounds that were lingering rather than being fully soul aligned where purpose comes first and any wounds that surface are communicated with conscious awareness and conversation like it is normal day to day talk - because it is. 

I know what it feels like to have your heart ripped out and destroy your soul and take months - if not years - to recover from. I know what it is like to feel like no one loves you and yet you have sooo much to give. 

I know what it feels like to be alone (by choice) because you'd rather, than go into an entangled mess again with someone who calls you crazy - instead of supporting your incredible ideas and is... right there with you with them in normal conversation #finally #emotionalintelligenceissexyasf

Imagine having a soulmate that understands your psychic gift and is as psychic as you - but grounded as fuck in their spirituality - conscious, not just spiritual and you can discuss these intricate psychic gifts with them and are not looked upon like you're crazy but is fuel for the purpose of what you're meant to do together! #soundslikeheaven

Imagine finding such peace and utter soul aligned fulfilment in your life, clear on your purpose - living it in it's fullness - your unique life purpose designed just for you - and then the Universe delivers even more goodness to you - because you're on the path of your true Life Purpose 🔥

You want to feel the deep grounded masculine presence, that only a man who has done the work can hold. 

Your Destiny has everything that your heart desires - the question is, do you choose your Destiny?

Your Purpose?

If getting clear on your Unique Life Purpose, activating your destiny and living your legacy with fulfillment in all life areas calls your Soul - Trust Your Intuition is for you. 

Doors close this week. 

I know what I chose - and the Universe brought me more than I could ever ask for. Divinely designed of course. Although, my Soul probably had some say in it before I incarnated - the question is - are you going to heed your Soul's Calling to truly align to what you incarnated for? 

To fully receive, more than what you consciously thought your dreams were? 

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

P.S. Doors close for Trust Your Intuition this week - your Destiny is calling, click here:

P.P.S. You love the work, you've always been someone who does it and you're also someone who prefers the 1:1 Mentoring because the Soul Acceleration Growth is where it has always been at for you, click here for Life Purpose Accelerator, doors are open now: