You want to make your Life Purpose your main source of income 💫💸

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Apr 26, 2024

You want to make your Life Purpose your main source of income 💫💸

You sit down to do your Purpose work and ‘ding’ there goes your phone, so you pick it up and get into an in depth conversation with your friend or family member. Hours go past and you’ve upped and walked around the house and now it’s lunchtime so you have to eat. You do and now it’s time to go and pick the kids up and look after the kids or now it’s time to take the dogs for a walk or some other chore you’ve made more important than your purpose work. You get home and now it’s dinner time that takes more hours and already time for bed. Another day goes by and you haven’t done your purpose work - again. But you had intentions, you sat there and then… ding. 

You can’t keep answering every ding on your phone when you are focusing on your purpose work. In fact, you can’t answer any of them. 

If you were working at a 9-5 job - you wouldn’t be answering every ding on your phone. You wouldn’t be answering the phone to talk to your friend for hours on end about (whatever you’re talking about is a waste of your purpose work time - especially when it’s almost daily!)

You want to be paid for your purpose work, not talk for free!

It’s time to get paid for your purpose work. 

It’s time go get into Your First Million.

Click here for all the details - only if you want to make your Purpose Work - your career:

Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑