Your Dragon & Your New Beginning 💫
Jun 18, 2024
Dragon shows up when you're faced with New Beginnings - but usually the part of the new beginning when everything is falling away, which, sometimes, most times, can be a very hard and challenging time.
Dragon shows up in your life in some way shape or form, catching your attention to remind you of your power.
Dragon shows up, in relation to this new beginning that is dismantling the old way of your old life to date.
Dragon is deeply connected to the Crown Chakra - a place of birthing new beginnings. As a new born baby, we, as a soul, 'crown' through the birthing canal and enter this dimension in our little human vessel.
Dragon, is and has been there since the dawning of time. This ancient, potent and deeply powerful being, is still - by your side.
If Dragon has showed up in your life right now, Dragon is reminding you of this New Beginning that you contracted with your Soul before you entered this place where you forgot who you are.
Dragon is your protector, your strength and a level of power inside of you, that you have forgotten or perhaps that life has beat out of you at this point. When you've been through the birthing canal, it can feel a bit like that.
Dragon comes to you when your Heart is in need of deep resuscitation, reminding you of your heart-led desires. When the Crown Chakra is activated, so too, is the Heart Chakra. They are both deeply aligned with one another.
The Crown allows the light of consciousness, the light of Source to enter your body ('crowning' into a new world/a new era/a new experience in life) and the Heart is immediately activated, because your Heart, is what gives you life in this realm. Your beating Heart. Your Heart is aligned with Source and is the 'anchor' to you being here in this realm.
Dragon comes to re-remind you, to reawaken these dreams from your slumber and activate your deepest desires. Your desires are the gateway to your Life Purpose and Dragon has come to you, to pull you into the deepest significant alignment of your true Unique Life Purpose to date.
Are you ready to meet your powerful ally to be by your side, guiding you through this potent time of transition and staying connected to the super flow synchronicity that is that, of your Life Purpose?
Click here to activate your Dragon, to meet your powerful ally, that hasn't left your side, you have just...become conscious of once more, thus, become conscious of yourself and the reason you have been born:
If you've already met your Dragon, comment below and let me know your experience? Would love to hear about it, Dragons have been so significant for me over the years, I wouldn't be where I am today, without my powerful Dragon Spirit Guide.
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑