Your Purpose work will call you to do things, you don’t want to do.
Oct 02, 2021
Your Purpose work will call you to do things, you don’t want to do.
It will call you to things you don’t feel like doing.
However, it is always calling you to the most fastest path, the most aligned path - for your dedicated Life Purpose Path.
Are you listening?
You might not WANT to do some of the things.
You might have fear about doing certain things or worry ‘but how?’
Yet, the secret is - to do it anyway.
Things are always hardest in the start - but then they become easier.
Starting a new routine of ANY kind is hard, lots of resistance and then you just get it done.
Set a timer and just do that amount. Sometimes, you will want to do more. Sometimes you will stop when the timer goes off. You will feel better throughout your day - because you DID it.
You did what your Soul was calling you to do, get done, be and more.
Do the hardest task first thing in the morning - then your day will feel light and free.
The biggest secret I have learnt to continuing your Purpose work, even when you don’t feel like it is #1 just do it. There is wisdom in Nike’s tagline. #2 If your fun cup is empty, if you have no joy in your life, if you are not doing the things you LOVE and make you FEEL LOVE on a regular basis - you are not going to want to do anything, let alone your Purpose work.
Resistance will be at an all time high, you will engage in all sorts of distractive behaviours to get it done or not at all.
When your fun cup is full, when you have been engaging in activities that fills your Soul’s desires your Purpose work - let alone ANY task, becomes a joy. You will feel lighter, things don’t bother you as much - if at all, it literally rolls off you like water off a ducks back.
But if you haven’t been filling your fun and Soul fulfilment desires tank… you won’t want to do anything, let alone feel happiness or love in your life.
What are your Soul fulfilment desires? What, do you do, that makes you happy? And do you do this - on a daily basis?
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. Final Call for INTUITION - Queens Who Want It All. 3 Months of Deep Soul Fulfilment, Healing the Deepest Wounds that are your guide posts for your ultimate desires that are the gateway to the freedom you’ve been seeking. It was never about being a princess, time… to step into your QUEENDOM. Send me a message if you know this is for you, Final
P.P.S. It is soooooo easy to get pulled into the drama, the fear, all the chaos of our modern day world at this time. 3D to 5D pulls you out of it - instantly and keeps you out of it, whilst still functioning and actually helping the 3D world of fear and chaos. if you’re wanting to get back on track or just wanting to get out of the funk you’re in - 3D to 5D Acceleration is for you. Click here for all the details: