Hannah's Blog

Last night I was dancing with my Dragons Dec 28, 2019

Last night I was dancing with my Dragons 

#sidenote #energyupdate #checkin

  • People from your past turning up
  • A difference and change in routine and flow 
  • Something out of the blue happens that makes you smile 
  • Something that you thought was lost, is found 
  • A returning to the...
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5 Quick Tips to tell if you're carrying someone's energy and what to do about it: Dec 11, 2019

5 Quick Tips to tell if you're carrying someone's energy and what to do about it:

1 - All of a sudden emotions change without a real definite/immediate trigger and you’ve been feeling awesome before for quite a time. Learn to follow the 'thread'.

2 - “Stories” out of control. It...

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It doesn't feel nice, it isn't pretty! Dec 05, 2019
It doesn't feel nice, it isn't pretty!
When you clear energy, or begin any process that takes you into a deep healing space, it usually isn't pretty!
It is VERY common to feel, when you do a healing/clearing/ritual releasing process or any other process for yourself or...
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Did you see the article I shared about the Resonance of the Earth Geomagnetic Field? Nov 05, 2019
Did you see the article I shared about the Resonance of the Earth Geomagnetic Field? There has been HUGE shifts in the evolution of consciousness, the vibration we are sitting at and moving into and EVERYONE is feeling it. And this sudden spike? Well, we are in Lion's Gate and coming up to the...
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