Hannah's Blog
Day #10: Starlight Star Bright Be The Star You Are Tonight
You notice, how present you are in your current space - you notice the air temperature on your skin, you notice the feeling of your clothes touching your skin, you notice the sounds you can hear, you notice what you can smell, you notice...
Day #9: MEN, YOU HAVE A WOMB TOO! It's called your Sacral Chakra
It is where you feel nourished, loved, cared for, fulfilled, nurtured, divinely comforted.
If you feel anything but any of the above, it is your Sacral you need to tend to. Your Sacral Chakra is associated with the colour...
Day #8 The Best Way To Reset After Too Much Wifi & Electronics
The Almighty Tree Alignment
The most powerful way to reset your energy frequency after:
~ spending more than 8 hours straight indoors
~ being around wifi (goodness, we can’t even walk down the street these days without...
Day #5: You Are A Walking Transformer
That divine spark within you, that you tapped into, dropped into yesterday for Day #4 - that is always there. It never leaves you and it only takes a thought to 'go there' and to remember that it has never left you.
You can expand this divine spark, as...