Hannah's Blog
Stepping into the New Moon phase like But gosh, that Eclipse was like birthing, between worlds, other worldly like jelly, dark portals, light portals and ALL in between right?
~ Crying
~ Raging
~ Changes
~ Let gos
~ wtf's
~ Deep Elation
~ New welcome changes, blessed feelings...
Total Solar Eclipse this coming Tuesday/Wednesday (depending on where in the world you are ) "Unfortunately, that's happening over open water, so unless there's an airplane or boat passing though, there won't be any humans around to see it." - Space.com Yet - you've already been feeling it...
Dark Moon Release, New Moon Intentions
It has felt like the biggest let go, clean out and release ever hasn't it?
Cleaning out the old, letting go of what no longer serves you - there has been a huge period this past 2 weeks, of letting go of what no longer serves you, but in a way of many...
#energyupdate What I’ve noticed... on Notre Dame, the collective shift, what this Easter means - this is a big energy update
~ Why you're feeling depressed
~ Why things get worse before they better
~ Seasons of Grief
~ Ancestral Healing at core depths
~ Why you don't just cut psychic...