Hannah's Blog
Day #31: You Are The Clearing
Just by a thought - you either think light or dark. Just by a thought you are either the Light itself, or you think you are separate from it.
The question is - which do you choose?
As you take a deep inhale - you bring your awareness into the Spark of Light that...
Day #29: What You Actually See
Pure Training. That's all. You were trained for 12 years (or so/not!) at school - they brain trained you a certain way.... you did it for 12 years... you can put in some dedicated brain training now - to be able to be how you really want to be.. instead of how they...
Day #30: Allow the Soil to Settle - The Key To Mastery
You can be clearing energy, clearing energy and clearing energy.
And then you can be doing inner work, inner work, inner work.
And then the Soil needs to settle.
What do I mean by this?
When you are clearing energy, doing internal work -...
Day #28: The Air You Breathe
Any moment in time, you are always breathing Air. Always. It is like the only constant thing right? Your breath. It is the only thing that is always there, that never leaves you, that is consistent.
When you build a relationship with your Breath?
Day #27: Back to Your Powerful Rainbow That You ARE
It is so important to acknowledge this complete Rainbow that you ARE. At this place, I call this INTEGRATION.
Where all the colours of the Rainbow, of all your Chakras - completely work in unison, in synchronicity, in divine order,...
Base Chakra baby! This is what it is about - at it's core - of course there is more to the Base Chakra, but at it's core - FEAR or TRUST?
To be grounded, deep into your Base Chakra, requires you getting very comfortable with:
~ your sexuality
~ money
~ your...
Day #25: The Energetic Fallout of Removing Yourself from Someone's Energy
Wow, there was so much to this one - that I recorded an entire Audio on it! I actually didn't start the audio recording for this Day 25 specifically - yet, as I was intuitively talking as I do - what came through - was all...
Day #24: How to Be Energised
This here? This Yellow? This is your Solar Plexus. Solar - this is your SUN - this is your POWER CENTRE and this is how you are energised or completely flattened.
How can you be completely flattened or drained of energy from this place here?
There are many...
Day #23: Your Powerful Heart
You might be wondering how on Earth going through the colours has anything to do with Clearing Energy.
It actually has EVERYTHING to do with Clearing Energy.
You know how I shared - that the colours of the Rainbow - are what you are?
And that within a...
Day #22: Your Deep Truth
As we drop through the Colours of the Rainbow THAT YOU ARE, it is here, today, we arrive at the Throat, this Light Sky Blue - as infinite and as far as you can see - and even beyond this Blue Sky - that you can look up and see outside - what is beyond the Sky Blue?