Hannah's Blog
Eclipses: Soulmates, Twin Flames, do’s and don’t’s, energy leaks - the potency of how you can be influenced and swept in the tornado or allow the upgrade without touching your external
Click here for all the details for Life Purpose Accelerator, doors...
Last 6 mths - massive life changes… long term relationships ending - big movement in life either moving or some internal moving - big shifts and realisations… phew. I don’t think it’s over yet!
The 3 tiers of Consciousness I see people in. Watch this to find out what tier you’re in
Letting go of control and the anger, frustration that comes with that. Things not working out the way you want. Sabotage. You’ll be shown clearly who is stuck in your energy field. Crown Chakra (birthing new realities) moving into Third Eye (relationships) STOP LOOKING BACK YOURE NOT GOING...
Total Solar Eclipse this coming Tuesday/Wednesday (depending on where in the world you are ) "Unfortunately, that's happening over open water, so unless there's an airplane or boat passing though, there won't be any humans around to see it." - Space.com Yet - you've already been feeling it...