Hannah's Blog

Breaking the Myths of Modern Day Spirituality 🔥 Nov 11, 2020

Dreams, Third Eye hurting, Astral Travelling, Energy Vampirism, Lucid & Other Realm ‘feeling’ Dreams, Spirits flying around the house, sensing a presence in the house, feeling like a tornado of sound is going through and around you but it’s still as outside, white light...

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I See People Telling People 'you just need to not be in the pain of it' Jan 24, 2020

I See People Telling People 'you just need to not be in the pain of it' 'you just need to think a positive thought' 'you just need to get over it' 'you just need to forget about it' 'you just need to choose the light and decide to let it go' 'you need to choose to move into a higher vibration'...

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Are you an Intuitive, Psychic or Medium? May 17, 2019

How to tell the difference between taking on someone's energy through guilt and not knowing how to heal them/be there for them, not wanting them to feel pain or is it your intuition giving you messages/communicating to you?

What is the difference between Ego, Inner Child, Shadow, Higher Self,...

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