Hannah's Blog
It's a fine line between 'drama' and having those mighty uncomfortable conversations.
I had an experience yesterday, where someone said to me "Usually I would walk away from this drama, but I am doing this to benefit you."
I replied with,
"Hmmm, yes, it is a fine line with the 'drama' and...
No filter required, because the clarity I feel with my new life is exactly this - clear and beautiful.
However, I found myself bawling my eyes out in deep, deep grief last night for over an hour.
It was deep, deep grief, and it surprised me what it dropped into.
My old house and...
"But I've spent thousands of dollars and it didn't work!"
"Not with me you haven't." I replied.
It doesn't matter if you spend a little or a lot...
What does matter - is the person who is holding the space for you to transform.
I have had many, many people over the years...
Loving Your Ego to Death... that moment that changes it all...
I cringe so much when I hear people saying 'get rid of your ego' 'kill your ego' 'ignore your ego' and the like...
Whilst this sort of language at times can be helpful when you need strong loving boundaries to get out of a situation,...
Sounds silly right? Yet, I do.
Right now, we are in this portal that I keep talking about. If you look back over the years, this time of year is always quite.... shedding one could say.
It is when we are either going into a caterpillar cocoon into the...
KARMIC FIRE - NO MORE - SCAPEGOAT ROLE - NO MORE The Empath's that think it's their duty or responsibility to carry other people's shit - the blocks that keep us hiding. NO MORE. I CHOOSE TO SURFACE NOW. I CHOOSE TO NOT HIDE ANYMORE. (Didn't realise I still was! Out I COME!)
I release what...