Hannah's Blog

"But I've spent thousands of dollars and it didn't work!" Sep 11, 2020

"But I've spent thousands of dollars and it didn't work!" 

"Not with me you haven't." I replied. 

It doesn't matter if you spend a little or a lot... 

What does matter - is the person who is holding the space for you to transform. 

I have had many, many people over the years...

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My gift opened, when I stopped trying to fit it in a box Nov 19, 2019

Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Mentor 
The Life Purpose Queen 

My gift opened, when I stopped trying to fit it into a box!

I felt lost for so many years - lost or more, just 'What on Earth do I do, what is my purpose?'


It was more like -

What do I call myself?!!?

I knew exactly...

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