Healing Relationships & Broken Hearts

How To Use This Page:

This is one of the most common questions and issues that I help people with on a daily basis. 

From broken hearts, relationship break ups, betrayal in relationship and wondering whether to stay or leave a relationship, there are many resources that I have available to help you come to heal your broken heart, realise the truth about what is going on and help your decision to move forward, with or without your partner. 

There are blogs and videos here, (videos further down the page) scroll through and find one that jumps out at you, or take your time and go through them all to help heal your broken Heart or figure out what you are supposed to do in your relationship. 

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Do I Stay or Do I Go?

The most common relationship question I get asked: Do I stay or Do I go?

Show Me: Do I Stay Or Do I Go?

I Just Wouldn't.....

I just wouldn't go there again.. my deep realisations around the men that are still hanging onto their ex, but you are their 'fill in' - but you are the one allowing it 😳(Yes, this applies to Men in the same situation)

Show Me: I Just Wouldn't...

Empaths & Healers Attracting People Who Are Still Attached

Still attracting people who are still attached to their ex and they haven't let go? Or is that YOU who hasn't truly let go 😳Yes, huge realisations right?

Show Me: Why Are They Still Attached?

But My Heart Got It Wrong

No it didn't honey! This is for you if you trusted your intuition on a relationship, but it went wrong and now you can't trust yourself again about them!

Show Me: But My Heart Got It Wrong

The Number 1 Reason Women Stop Trusting Their Men

Do you ever enter a relationship and then it is amazing, then... you are so jealous and don't trust them and it seems 'out of proportion' and yet can't stop yourself, nor... trust them again like in the start? Here is why...

Show Me: Why Women Stop Trusting Their Men

Failed Relationship After Failed Relationship

I had seen sooo much pain in every failed relationship and yet, so much hurt that I couldn't understand and yet feeling soooo pissed off... until it hit me 💥

Show Me: Failed Relationship After Failed Relationship

Relationships are the Death of Me, and the RISE of Me

Dealing with regret in relationships & relationship breakups, the doubt and confusion when you leave a relationship, the narcissistic behaviours that keep you stuck and why you don't listen to your intuition from the very start. This has been HUGE for me. 

Show Me: Relationships are the Death of Me AND The Rise of Me

But How Do I Let It Go?

THE Most Common Question I get asked - but how do I let it go Hannah? I don't want it, or maybe you do, but you still can't let it go! I know honey! Here is how you TRULY let it go: 

Show Me: How Do I Let It Go

It's Okay To Walk Away Without Guilt Or Explanation

Society is so conditioned to NOT leave unhealthy situations and if you do you are 'bad' - or something! #seriously! It is so important to train yourself and GIVE YOURSELF PERMISSION to walk away, without guilt or hesitation. 

Show Me: It's Okay To Walk Away

I Stopped Looking For My Soulmate When

I Realised it had been right in front of me the whole time! THIS was a huge realisation for me! 

Show Me: I Stopped Looking

Suicide & The Empty Heart

Gosh it is easy to shut yourself away from the world and lock your Heart away to never be hurt again - boy do I know this space! Yet, it also blocks us from feeling any joy or LOVE from ANY thing or one in the world... and we wonder why we don't want to be here anymore! This, is for you if you KNOW you have shut down your Heart precious one. 

Show Me: Empty Heart

Narcissism & Attacking Darkness

THIS was a powerful realisation - Narcissism - well, why is it even in your face for? 

Show Me: Narcissism



Show Me: Cutting Toxic People From My Life


How to set them when you're in a tricky relationship. 'The energetic fallout from removing yourself from someone's energy'

Show Me: The Energetic Fallout

Video's to Support You to Heal Your Broken Heart

I thought I wanted a Conscious Man

Reactions, Judgements, Criticism

The Death AND Rise of Me

Spiritual Arrogance & Spiritual By-Passing & Narcissism 



Get clear on your situation with in depth personal support from Hannah to heal your heart and make the choice of staying or leaving from a clear space, not a hurt and painful space, that you may regret later.



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