Life Purpose Legacy

🌟🌟🌟 Living Your Best Life, Doing What the Fuck You Love, Making Massive Moolah to Match 🔥🔥🔥 

The Inner Circle, For Rising Lightworkers, Ancient Blooded Healers & Wildly Wealthy Witches Who Know They Are Destined for Purpose Made Millions.


Life Purpose Legacy

🌟🌟🌟 Living Your Best Life, Doing What the Fuck You Love, Making Massive Moolah to Match 🔥🔥🔥 

The Inner Circle, For Rising Lightworkers, Ancient Blooded Healers & Wildly Wealthy Witches.

Welcome to Life Purpose Legacy 


  • Self Healing
  • Psychic Development
  • Witchy Wealth Coaching (more moolah for those wanting to live their best lives)
  • Self-Made Millionaires are made here 💸
  • Advanced Chakra Integrations
  • Healing Protocols, Meditations and Activations
  • Certification Training To Heal others and amplify to your business


Life Purpose Legacy is your one stop shop for all things:

  • Healing & Self Healing
  • Healing Generational, Childhood, Past Life and Inter-dimensional Trauma
  • Activations
  • Psychic Development
  • Archangels, Spirit Guides, Mediumship; Connecting, Understanding and Navigating the Spirit World
  • Full Moon Ceremonies
  • Exclusive Members Only Intuitive Channel on Telegram
  • Certified Trainings
  • Money & Wealth Trainings
  • Healing Generational & Childhood Trauma and Woundings associated with money to break the patterning and stepping into generational wealth understanding and building aka more moolah for you and your family.
  • Business Trainings
  • Energetic Transformation
  • Consciousness Elevation


To improve the wellbeing of your life and leave your legacy living your best life, doing whatever the fuck you want to do when you want to do it, making insane moolah to match 🔥


There is an art, a skill to earning more money and building wealth, no matter where your current income is at, no matter if you're doing what you love or doing the job to pay the bills - anyone can learn these skills - because they are just that. Skills. An Art. And anyone who is willing to learn, can. And change their life in the process. 


The energetic de-tanglement from childhood, generational and societal conditioning plus practicalities of investments and growing and keeping your money and wealth once you have it - are the basis of the Life Purpose Legacy Trainings each fortnight.


Life Purpose Legacy is the Inner Circle for Reality Awareness, granting you access to:

  • Reality Awareness Content Vault
  • Weekly live trainings & training support calls,
  • Healing Protocols, Meditations & Activations
  • Business Development Trainings to get your healing business off the ground or add to your existing business and leave your Legacy 
  • Money Coaching to be rich as fuck doing whatever the fuck you want to do when you want to, living your best fucking life with an open, healed heart 💁🏻‍♀️ 

With Weekly Legacy Trainings, Access to Reality Awareness Content Vault; Trust Your Intuition Certification, Monthly Full Moon Ceremonies and the Exclusive Members Only Intuitive Channel on Telegram it is here you activate your highest timeline, integrate your consciousness and hone your psychic development, with a tribe of like-minded world changing Souls living their best lives - you’ll be right at home with our Ancient Blooded Healer & Wealthy Witch Tribe. 

This is the Inner Circle, so you get access to everything currently available and what I release in the 12 months your membership is active. For example, when you are in Life Purpose Legacy, you get automatic access to all courses I release, like Your First Million - you get automatic access. 

The Inner Circle, is the place to be. Especially if you're someone who wants to heal and know they are destined for Purpose Made Millions, creating a life they love, dream of and look back and think I loved the fuck out of my life, I am so damn proud of myself... oh, and I changed the world in the process 🔥

Purpose Driven Destiny 🔥

Purpose Driven Millions 💎


What they say:

Don't take my word for it, there are others living it...inspiration from our alumni – 


My overall experience with Trust Your Intuition online course was brilliant, really enjoyed it. I loved the mixture of the online videos from Hannah, to writing, answering questions, being a part of the support calls and the psychic development classes. The support calls were a great source of information and great support, I had so many aha moments. The psychic development classes are brilliant, I learnt and will continue to learn so much. This course was such a healing, expansive and at times confronting experience.

- Emma Allen


There is so much quality content and amazing resources. I now have a tool for just about everything that is quick and easy to use. Trust Your Intuition came into my life at my lowest point and I was searching for a way to clear the misery and find a way back to myself. Some parts I flew through and others took me a long time to build the courage to dive into and there were a lot of surprises along the way. I think the best thing is that its so different from what is out there and covers so many areas, well just about every area to be honest. I’ve revisited the course in its entirety a couple of time since the first time and each experience is different. My biggest changes have to be my self-awareness, confidence and willingness to just dive in and clear out whatever comes up immediately. My overall experience…. life changing!!

- Tamara Turner


My overall experience with Trust Your Intuition Online course was amazing and so rewarding for me. It was like coming home to soul-tribe members where we can grow and learn, excel in our skills/mindset. I am thankful that I found this online course it has assisted me in so many ways, such as I am speaking up more and setting boundaries which I never have done as an empath/sensitive soul. The course content was very informative and eye opening experience for me. Some information, of-course I knew which is why I was drawn to this Trust Your Intuition Online Course. It assisted me to hone in on my intuition, which I did not know before taking the course. It was great to go to live classes and interact with like-minded people. I would totally recommend this course for others.

- Kam Kaur



Fantastic. It was easy to follow, very insightful.

- Renelle McPherson


Insightful, Wondrous, Confronting, Intriguing, Contentment.

- Gemma Jones


This is a very well presented course lots of help.

- Alison Slipper


The change in my energy from taking part in Trust Your Intuition has been amazing. So much looking deep inside at old wounds from both past and present lives and being able to clear away what was weighing me down. Some of the work has been confronting as I have buried so many emotions in the past so I could get through the harder periods and ‘function’, a lot of which I had forgotten.

- Renee Crittenden


I really enjoyed the pace of the course and seeing how each module unfolded into each other. I found the course heavily packed with information and tangible tools to help myself and others. At times I did find the content too much with so many video’s to watch, especially working full time, however I ensured I stayed on top of the meditations each week so they did not compound. The amount of content was value for money and it was great to have; just finding the time to pack it all in was my challenge. The course definitely opened my skills and knowledge to listening and trusting myself more and realising that I hold the answers and I don’t need to seek validations outside of myself when searching for answers.

- Carollyn Darby


I didn't quite know what to expect when I signed up for Hannah's Trust your Intuition course, I just knew I was called to jump in. I knew from Hannah's other work it would be amazing. What I didn't know was how amazing! I have been on my spiritual journey for 15 years or so, and this course taught me some new and awsome things I will treasure, explained some old things in such a way I have new insight into my past, I had so many "aha" moments. Hannah's authentic vulnerability made this course accessible and "real". Her meditations are beautiful & I would recommend this course to anyone wanting to step into their life more fully & make the changes they want to make. Thanks Hannah.

- Pauline Wheadon



I have loved the Trust Your Intuition course and I would highly recommend it to anyone wanting to step into their power. It has been the greatest and most eye opening experience I have ever experienced. Thank you so much Hannah for a truly awesome course and all your hard work and dedication. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I'm totally grateful for everything xxx

- Di Greenwood


This course is a potent blend of everything you need to step up and start really trusting yourself. Hannah's down to earth manner is easy to relate to. All of the information she provides is practical and easy to implement. I had the sense of having someone there, holding my hand, throughout the course. Any questions I had or further information I needed Hannah was only to happy to help. If you have a little inkling that this course might be for you then I encourage you to take the chance and invest in it - you won't regret it!

- Belinda Connelly


I am so grateful to be a part of Trust Your Intuition Course Hannah! How freaking awesome... it was such a great experience, and something that I was called to do. You are such a beautiful soul, extremely supportive throughout the course, and what I love the most, is how REAL you are! ‘Keep it real’ is so true to who you are Hannah. You relate to us, and have been through what we experience so know exactly what we feel. My intuition is something I will continue to work on and grow, but with your help and guidance I know it has strengthened even more so by doing your course. The course content was amazing, you delve into so much in the 14 modules, and all the audio meditations as well! So much gratitude for you Hannah, thank you so much!

- Sandy Galloway

From Hannah:

"To me, your Legacy is everything. You're here to live your best life doing what you love."


CEO & Founder of Reality Awareness Million Dollar Company, Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Mentor, Author and Mother, I love helping others to unlock their deepest dreams from their DNA Blueprint living their best lives, rich as fuck and doing what the fuck you want when you want. 

Rebel, adventurer and V8 lover at heart, I am passionate about freedom to do what you want and live your best life - happy in your heart, knowing everyday you're showing up changing the world by living what you choose to do - for you.

I believe that everyone has the power to change their lives and live the life they want. I help you heal and activate your best life DNA blueprint, so you can. 

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Life Purpose Legacy Program Details & Modules

Delve into a learning blueprint that blends spiritual wisdom with pragmatic business strategies. Our modules are designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary for profound success living your best life.


Life Purpose Legacy: 

💎 Larimar Access: Access All Areas & Lifetime Access to Content  

Life Purpose Legacy is $5,555

Payment plans available, click on the button for options. 


A New Chapter Begins...

This ain't a chapter - this is ain't a season - this is your LIFE called your Legacy aka - YOU and I am soo excited to have you in the Life Purpose Legacy Tribe, living your best life, doing what the fuck you love, making massive moolah to match 🔥🔥🔥

Are you ready to write the story of a lifetime, called - Your Life Purpose Legacy?


This is your Wild Hearted Soul;

It's your magic, your wild spirited hearted soul that remembers who the fuck she is and is here to change the world - on her terms, doing what she loves and making massive impact & moolah with a clear open heart, loving every moment of her life called her Legacy.


Life Purpose Legacy

🌟🌟🌟 Living Your Best Life, Doing What the Fuck You Love, Making Massive Moolah to Match 🔥🔥🔥 

The Inner Circle, For Rising Lightworkers, Ancient Blooded Healers & Wildly Wealthy Witches.


Life Purpose Legacy

🌟🌟🌟 Living Your Best Life, Doing What the Fuck You Love, Making Massive Moolah to Match 🔥🔥🔥 

The Inner Circle, For Rising Lightworkers, Ancient Blooded Healers & Wildly Wealthy Witches Who Know They Are Destined for Purpose Made Millions.