It's the Dark AND the Light and All in between Beautiful Soul.
You can Heal from anything, if you choose to, with supportive help and guidance, no matter how Dark it gets, I'm here ❤️
to the place where the Light of your Consciousness Heals & Awakens you ❤️
This is a place and space that is constantly growing. The more time goes on, with the more content I create, it get's placed here, in an organised space, so you can find it, so always remember to come back and check when you are needing support, as new things are always being added to guide and support you to take your Consciousness and Psychic Development to the next level.
There are 3 ways you can find/search healing and supportive guidance for you to Awaken Your Consciousness and Heal.
Heal Me By Ailment, Issue or Problem - this is where you can search through a list of common aliments, commonly asked questions and topics, that I have written an article/blog on, or have create a video on for you to watch.
Heal Me By Chakra - You can heal by which Chakra is needing support right now to Awaken Your Consciousness. How do you know which Chakra you need? Intuitively choose - the first one that comes to mind. Or, you can work through each Chakra, from Crown to Base and take yourself on a complete healing journey to Awaken Your Consciousness.
Heal Me By Psychic Reading/Intuitive Healing - If you need answers right away, or just want a message for your day, you can come here and ask your question, out aloud or in your mind, scroll through the Psychic Reading videos and 'randomly' stop on a video and listen for the message you just chose as a way of supporting, healing and awakening your consciousness to 'solve' the issue going on in your life right now.
There is A LOT of content here and most of my videos/audios/blogs are quite long.
I encourage you to take the time to listen (remember, you can get savvy and listen to videos/livestreams/audios whilst multi-tasking like doing the dishes) so you can grow on the go and create the life, you really want through - Awakening Your Consciousness, deeply, supporting the Awakening of the Consciousness of Humanity.
When you click on the topic/issue it will either take you to an audio, video or blog that I have created, that will deeply support you if you listen/watch/absorb the entire piece.
Beautiful Soul, it's time ❤️
Here you will find a list of commonly asked questions, self help to heal anything, search by aliment, issue or problem, plus find spiritual growth tools here too.
Enter by Chakra and deeply heal all aspects related to each Chakra, plus deepen your Conscious awareness, expanding your energy, psychic and intuitive abilities into every aspect of your being, let alone activating and awakening your Life Purpose.
This is where all the Psychic Readings I have done on livestream/video, you can use yourself, like an Oracle, and receive a message right away.
The Chakra Journey deeply Awakens your Consciousness, increases your psychic and intuitive abilities and directs you to your Life Purpose.
Each Chakra is an 'awakening' journey and one that deeply shifts your life.
Listed below are all the Chakras, that will take you to a page, directly related to the Consciousness of that Chakra.
Scroll down through each Chakra, to one that calls to your Soul, find one that you want to work on, or work from the Crown and work through each one at your own pace 👇🏻❤️
50% Complete
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