If you haven’t read my article on Grief and why it is SOOOO IMPORTANT to understand the purpose of the emotion of grief has in your body, mind, spirit and life – this is imperative you read.
A selection of my best resources to guide your Spiritual Awakening, because they aren't always what they are cracked up to be! #igotyou
Here on this page, you will find a selection of my best videos/livestreams, articles and other helpful information to support you with your Spiritual Awakening.
If you feel lost or wondering why everything just seems to get worse after your Spiritual Awakening, when it was like Euphoria when it first happened and wondering if that is EVER going to come back, let me support you here with WHY that happens and what you can do about it. The Euphoria CAN come back, in a grounded, sustainable way.
Perhaps you're just wanting to increase your Conscious Awareness, then you've also found yourself in the right place ❤️
Keep reading below and click on the topics to be taken to which topic of support you are needing help with right now. Some links will take you to a section on this page, others may take you to a new page of the blog/article that the topic of support is on.
Otherwise, just read the whole way through and work your way through each video/article that can support your journey right now.
You're not lost beautiful Soul, you're just recalibrating. No matter what big life changing event has just happened and you're not sure how you can go on, let me show you what this is actually about for you. Click here for support with this one.
The Best Way to Support Your Emotions without looking like a crazy person! I show you why it is so important to be AUTHENTIC, rather than just positive - but also what to do with those 'negative emotions' that come up, so you can truly tap into who you are without hiding any part of yourself. And so you aren't made to be the crazy one by people who simply just do not get it!
If you're feeling confused, this is the FIRST thing you need to check - are you carrying someone's energy? Do you know how to even check that? Ill show you here, plus Empath Dilemmas - it's time to regain your energy back beautiful Soul - Humanity needs you! ❤️
1111, 222, 333, 444 - do you see these numbers around? On your phone, car number plates, receipts - everywhere? What do they all mean? I share what these messages are trying to tell you.
You start sensing Spirits! So what do you do, when they turn up in your house? Here I show you what to do asap.
There is a lot of fear about EMF'S & 5G - here is what to do about it, so you can protect yourself, reclaim your energy and your life back.
When your Heart has been hurt, and you don't want to get hurt again, but you're struggling with feeling alone and do want love again, you're just super scared because you don't want to feel that pain again right? The most powerful ways to protect your energy beautiful Soul (yes, you can open your heart again) and did you know - it is the same and most powerful way to receive your Intuition too? #bonus 😍
I teach the Chakras quite differently to the eras gone by - it's time to keep up with the Awakening on the planet and this is how and WHY we need to come IN to our body, not reach up to Spirit.
How many times do you toss and turn - no matter how tired you are, you just can't get to sleep? I know! SOO frustrating right? Let me show you why this happens, and how you can... get that good nights rest finally 🕊
The Best Way to Support Your Emotions without looking like a crazy person! I show you why it is so important to be AUTHENTIC, rather than just positive - but also what to do with those 'negative emotions' that come up, so you can truly tap into who you are without hiding any part of yourself. And so you aren't made to be the crazy one by people who simply just do not get it!
This is a simple exercise, short and fast - that you can do ANYWHERE on the run once you learn this simple technique to bring you back into the present moment and out of the chaos of your busy mind.
If you're feeling cloudy, foggy, feel like you always have no energy, struggle to fall asleep or constantly wake up tired - it is so important to check what I am about to share here with you.
Of course, as always, there are MANY other contributing factors, but this, I think a lot of us FORGET - How much we seem to take technology for granted these days, let alone the EMF energy we are constantly energetically breathing in.
If you watch these three videos in their entireity, it will help you understand 'why it get's worse before it get's better' and that honey, you're not lost at all, you're deeply recalibrating to your Life Purpose, that is all. That is the only reason it feels like the Earth is falling away beneath your feet beautiful one xx
You're Not Lost, You're Recalibrating
Coping With Change
Crown Chakra Your First Awakening
Heart Chakra, The Place Where You FEEL
If you haven’t read my article on Grief and why it is SOOOO IMPORTANT to understand the purpose of the emotion of grief has in your body, mind, spirit and life – this is imperative you read.
Picking Up Others Subconscious Stuff 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻Soooo important to watch, if you are intuitive, sensitive, or highly empathic 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
What's REALLY happening when they call you crazy
If you resonate with being an Empath, Sensitive Soul, Healer, Lightworker and you are not doing these simple methods I talk about in Empath Dilemmas, it’s no wonder you’ve been feeling blah! #igotyou
If you feel drained from hanging around certain people or places or are wide awake at night when you know you need to rest or you feel everyone’s energy and they make you crazy from doing so! Whether by telling you to your face, or you just want to retreat from the world and never come back!
PLUS in How To Tell If You're Carrying Someone's Energy - this is the FIRST thing you check if you're ever feeling confused
Empath Dilemmas & How To Heal Them
Feeling Confused? Check this FIRST!
What do they all mean?
Angel Numbers 1111
You Sense Spirits/Angels - and EVERYTHING in the Spirit World. What are you supposed to do when you sense a Spirit in your home though?
This Is What You Do When You Sense A Spirit
How To Protect Yourself from EMF's - Without any physical item!
There is so much technology and wifi around these days, we can’t even walk down the local street without being able to pick up somebody’s wifi.
Protecting Yourself from Emf's. Protecting Your Energy. Protecting - FULL STOP - How to Protect Yourself From Everything.
Why Are You Fearing 5G?
If you believe we create our own reality, if you believe that there is something more powerful than us that we can't really describe (ie Universe/God etc) - then I ask you, why are you really fearing 5g?
Did you know 'what to do' is both and the same thing? Bonus right? 😍
Protecting Your Energy & Receiving Intuition
How To Protect Your Energy
If you are new to the Chakras, or want to understand why and how I teach the Chakra’s differently to keep up with Modern Times and why it is important to come from the Crown down, I have put this in here for you too.
Would love to know your input on the Chakras. Were you aware of them before now?
This is just a guide, and understanding. Don't be limited by what I say here. If you receive information about the Chakras that are different for you - trust what you intuitively receive! THIS is important! I am just here to spark awareness and plant seeds, so you can come alive and share what is real for you, hence Awakening Your Life Purpose beautiful one. Find Your Passion xxx
The Modern Day Chakra Queen
Time to reclaim your POWER beautiful Soul! If you watch and read all these in their entirety, you won't be so worried anymore precious Soul, you'll know what to do about it all ❤️
It Might Feel Icky, But The Magic Is Felt
Reclaim Your Power
This is a simple exercise, short and fast - that you can do ANYWHERE on the run once you learn this simple technique to bring you back into the present moment and out of the chaos of your busy mind.
Simple Meditation Technique
How many times do you toss and turn - no matter how tired you are, you just can't get to sleep? I know! SOO frustrating right? Let me show you why this happens, and how you can... get that good nights rest finally 🕊
Why You Can't Sleep
50% Complete
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