Unhook Me
Free Yourself From Destructive Cyclic Relationships
A 3 Day Workshop to Set Your Soul Free & Shift to Your Next Income Bracket 🕊
You've found yourself in a place where you're realising the relationships around you are not supportive to your Life Purpose growth, the next evolution of who you are becoming, your income bracket feels capped, your dreams, your heart felt desires... You've... outgrown these people that feel like they are holding you back...
You try though, you hang on, just in case, that they realise.. realise what you're doing and then support you - be excited with you!
You share your heart and soul with them, your dreams, your desires, your excitement - gosh you've found what you've been looking for - for ages!!! Of course you're excited! 🤩
To only to be met with shut down comments, or eye rolls or worse, hanging out with your friends whom you've been besties with for ages, just... laugh at your or give you shit and make fun of you... 😳
You feel flattened inside. You smile and pretend to laugh it off and get on with it, but you suddenly feel alone in the middle of a busy room of people and the sounds drown out around you as you have the starking realisation that these people... are not your people anymore 😥
The heart pangs with how long you've been friends with them....
How you thought they were going to be with you through this, the hard times and the good... wait, isn't your loved ones supposed to be your biggest supporters?
Isn't your partner, supposed to support this new found joy you have about your Life Purpose? This new avenue of creating wealth, legacy and a life of fun and joy outside of the 9-5 that - um, you had included them in this plan, because you're with them! But... they just met your excitement with... what on Earth was that?! 😖
You were so clear and excited and then everyone around you only makes you doubt your decisions, choices and you start closing down the portal of your dreams without even realising it.
You shrink yourself, you dim your light, you don't sign up with that mentor or course, you go back to your old job, you don't chase your dreams, you don't release that new offer you were so excited about, you don't do the thing your soul is calling you to do, you lower your prices, you go back to creating the same old offers in your business that you are used to and you know that some people would buy but you feel so drained by it again but hey, this is how you've always done it... and... you're not realising that you're also staying in subconscious agreement with those closest to you to so those pangs of abandonment don't hit hard... 🥺 Because well, what else have you got?!
And yet, this deep down nagging feeling... the deeper emptiness and abandonment of your heart's true felt desires of what you're Soul is calling you to do that deep fulfilling, nourished and deeply activated place of living life from - the happiness, joy, the wealth, the income - the career you LOVE to match it... Is. Still. Calling. You.
Welcome to Unhook Me
The 3 Day Workshop to free you from destructive soul destroying relationships - and get you clear on whether they are this, whether it is just your perception that is clouding your judgement, whether your Soul knows and whether you're meant to leave them or stay with them, whether they are seasons, lifetimes, or just a reason relationships that are supporting your dreams or taking you away from them.
You're ready to feel clear and empowered around this...
When the path of your Purpose opens, when you're on the cusp of your next income bracket, no matter what level you're currently at or how many times you've circled back around to this space...
There will come a time where you look around and wonder what to do - with the relationships, your environment, your Purpose work, your wealth creation and the dreams that you can feel in your Soul - that DID include them in this journey (that is why you shared your excitement with them in the first place!) and now you're questioning everything - including if you're even meant to pursue what you're excited about (were excited!) because it seems that every which way you turn, you're met with resistance, with death stares, with 'no', with blocks and omg... so exhausting - am I even meant to do this after all?
I am here to tell you that:
#1 - yes you are
#2 - you wouldn't be reading this far if you weren't, because your Soul wouldn't have led you here to give you that confirmation that you're meant to pursue this out of the box path that is creating the best life for you and your family and leaving the legacy you know your heart and soul is meant to travel on in the first place (you can't stop thinking about it right!?)
So yes, you are.
Perhaps that is all the confirmation you needed and you can walk forward now.
But if you:
- want that energetic soul resonance YES clarity
- want to energetically unhook and release from relationships and circles that you know are draining the life out of your soul (especially if you can't 'leave' them right now and even wondering that you're meant to at all or 'how' to)
- want to understand why this is even happening when this is your heart and soul dreams and is EVERYTHING to you right now
- want to know why there is block after block or you just get started and some big drama happens you need to tend to and pulls you away from it
- you're questioning it all even though you deep internally soul know that you are YES supposed to do this but reality isn't supportive of this path you know you're meant to go on
- want clarity on if you are meant to stay in this relationship or leave it for good
- finally have that YES feeling back about pursuing your dreams even when those around you continue to give you death stares when you mention it - or are working on it and they make you feel guilty for that! (to not be affected by this anymore! #heaven)
- want the ability to move to your next income bracket and sustain it - hold it until it comes and receive it right away, not drop back and shrink your light (and income!) again...
Then Unhook Me is for you!

Hi, I am Hannah, Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Mentor, Self-Made Millionaire, obsessed with online business 👩🏻💻 and helping people heal their past to create a future 🔮 they are destined to live and love - with Purpose.
I am the Life Purpose Queen 👑
Helping those Destined for Purpose Made Millions 💸
How will it work?
Over a 3 Day Workshop we will be diving deep into unhooking, gaining clarity and breaking through to your next income bracket your Life Purpose is destined for, that is constantly on your mind and won't leave your body, mind, soul!
When you sign up, you will receive an email with all the details on how it works and can gain instant access to begin.
What is the Investment?
3 x payments of $77
YES! LET ME IN HANNAH!!YES! I am ready to receive my next purpose driven income bracket! 💸
You're ready to soak it all up like your heart and soul is desiring you to....
You're ready to be empowered moving into your aligned Life Purpose - not a disempowered emotional wreck anymore!
You're ready to hold steadfast in your dreams until they manifest in reality...and not be affected by the relationships around you anymore...