Hannah's Blog

I don’t want to hold onto resentment or unforgiveness anymore. Feb 03, 2022

I don’t want to hold onto resentment or unforgiveness anymore. I don’t want this density in my vibration anymore. 

When I was laying in hospital for 5 days unable to move and reflecting deeply on being given a second chance at LIFE, I thought about many things during that time,...

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Who feels something big coming? Aug 22, 2021
Spiritual warfare, dark and light, black goo/nano technology, energetic waves of wtf and a need to stand tall in who you are, now more than ever. The calm before the storm, the eye of the hurricane - do you feel it? πŸŒ€ πŸ’Ž βš•οΈ
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#EnergyUpdate May 08, 2021

Energy - Reading and understanding your own energy and how to shift your energy, especially if it's not yours!!

What are you willing to do to create the life you want?

Morning and Evening Routines, Self Care and showing up and doing the work!!

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"But I've spent thousands of dollars and it didn't work!" Sep 11, 2020

"But I've spent thousands of dollars and it didn't work!" 

"Not with me you haven't." I replied. 

It doesn't matter if you spend a little or a lot... 

What does matter - is the person who is holding the space for you to transform. 

I have had many, many people over the years...

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We are not the Dark OR the Light Jun 03, 2020
We are not the Dark OR the Light
We are not Black OR White
We are ALL OF IT ALL THE TIME - in ALL REALITIES existing at once - the good the bad, the hate, the love - ALL of it exists at the same time.
If you think you are this label or that label - you are not...
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When the Devil becomes your ally, you wouldn't even question the darkness. Jan 14, 2020

When the Devil becomes your ally, you wouldn't even question the darkness. 

When the Devil becomes your ally, you see them as your best friend. 

When the Devil becomes your ally, you know you're moving and have shifted to your next level. 

When the Devil becomes your friend, not...

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Come..... where deep is normal ❀️ Jul 07, 2018
Come..... where deep is normal
Come.... where the penetration is not pointed and judged thus separated, but felt in its full spectrum and held deeply compassionately in all it's fullness and glory...
In softness and kindness, for all aspects of being
Even the...
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You are not separate from any of it... Jul 04, 2018

You are not separate from any of it... 

When Conscious of Your Connection you are conscious of your Source and in your consciousness of your Source - well, you see there is no separation from any part of it - nothing on this Earth, any other planet or any other galaxy or star system -...

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