Hannah's Blog
Sometimes we never know the reason we walk to certain lands, venture to our destinations that we find ourselves in.
There is a pull, a tug, a nudge and sometimes it is a strong deep inner knowing that you have to be here, you have to go to a certain place, you have to travel in this way and...
On Monday whilst laying in the CT machine getting my finger scanned, tears began streaming down my face at the entire incident. When it was over (and omg that radiation I ‘felt’ and made me dry reach of the way back to the car as I was consciously...
Signs from the Universe
Last night I woke to the sounds of the Cats mucking around which I wasn’t happy about (don’t interrupt my sleep!) and took my feet warming bed socks (it’s already cold out here at nights now!) and threw at them trying to stay half asleep so I...
Trust Your Intuition.
You can feel when there is depth to the truth of an interaction you have with someone.
That ‘high’ facade - is a flick to the next thing - releasing addictions - jumping from one addiction to the next - has no satiety, no ground roots. It’s a...
When everything has been stripped away…
When everything has been ‘taken’ away from you…
When you’ve lost everything that meant so much to your Heart and Soul, when you’re laying there bare and naked in more ways than just the physical…
When the...
Sometimes, I grab my back pack with essentials (phone, wallet, journal, earphones, water, dog essentials), grab my German Shepherd and walk as far as we feel to walk with no agenda, no real goal in sight, no plan and my fav mentors training in my ears, shifts the funk I found myself in - every...
The day before I spent 90% of the day bawling my eyes out, I was feeling elated with so much Peace. Gratitude. I had a full week - Soulful week, I am still deeply grateful for it - it held a vibration so high that the day I spent bawling my eyes out was releasing all that is not this Peace and...
I woke up feeling pretty meh this morning after I spent 90% of yesterday bawling my eyes out It's been a massive week...
Questioning why I haven’t been writing or doing my usual flow of work capacity that I know I am capable of and then remembering WHY because I’m STILL fucking...
I’ve been trying to be all prim and proper but then I remembered I AM prim and proper!
I’ve been trying to be someone I’m not - but then I remembered I AM someone I am not.
Because I am the whole damn thing AND SOME
I can wear beautiful dresses and step into my...